PO BOX 366
Domestic Violence Escape (DOVE), Inc. provides services to victims of domestic
violence and sexual assault primarily to residents of Gogebic County, Michigan and
Iron County, Wisconsin, however, services are available to anyone, regardless of
residency. We believe that, with the appropriate resources and support, victims of
abuse can and do find success in escaping their abuse. Our function, therefore, is
to provide options which empower victims to make safe choices for themselves
and their children.
To empower and guide victims/survivors toward a non-violent lifestyle, and to educate our community regarding the crimes of domestic and sexual assault.
Domestic Violence Escape (DOVE), Inc. relates to it's clients as peers. We
view the clients we serve as individuals who are living through a very
difficult situation. The situation an abused person attempts to cope with
tends to undermine their sense of self-esteem; it is physically and
emotionally exhausting. Thus, many victims come to us lacking self-esteem,
feeling hopeless and needing support.
Relief from some of their daily pressures and a positive caring
environment, we believe they are quite capable of making their own decisions
and setting personal goals.
Our role, as advocates, is to provide information to honestly convey to our
clients our belief in them, to support them when they're feeling shaky and
to act as advocates as they relate to other agencies. We strive to
communicate respect, we protect our clients rights to confidentiality, and
we offer to share our experience and our strength.
We are here to listen...
not to work miracles.
We are here to help victims/survivors discover
what they are feeling...
not to make the feelings go away.
We are here to help survivors identify
their options...
not decide for them what they should do.
We are here to discuss steps
with a survivor...
not to take steps for them.
We are here to help a survivor discover
their own strengths...
not to rescue them and leave them
still vulnerable.
We are here to help a survivor discover
they can help themselves...
not to take responsibility for them.
We are here to help survivors
learn to choose...
not to make it unnecessary for them
to make difficult choices.
We are here to provide support for change!
DOVE grew out of an interfaith effort to serve human need. In 1980 a
group of people from area churches came together to sponsor a refugee family
from Vietnam. After the conclusion of this project, the Task Force felt the
need to contribute their time and energy to another human service project and began
determining the area of greatest need in our Range communities.
After much research and discussion with community leaders, law enforcement,
social services, religious and medical people, the group came to
the conclusion that the area of domestic violence would be their priority
By 1982 the organization was in place. The training of volunteer advocates
and safe house owners had begun. Hospitals, courts, police, religious and social
service workers were informed that crisis intervention assistance was
avalible to victims of abuse in Gogebic County, Michigan and Iron County,
In 1983 DOVE received a significant amount of money from the Society of St.
Vincent de Paul for the specific purpose of beginning a donation campaign to start
a shelter. In January of 1984 DOVE received funds through the State of Michigan
Family Independence Agency (Office of Children and Youth Services) Domestic Violence
Prevention and Treatment Board for the first time. DOVE also has been able to secure funds through the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA), the Federal Emergency Management
Act (FEMA) through Wiconsin and Michigan, the Wisconsin Department of Human Services and the Salvation Army. DOVE also receives a significant amount of monetary donations from churches, groups, businesses and individuals. In past years DOVE received funding from the Gogebic Range United
Way and the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA). DOVE receives a significant amount of "in-kind match" through donations of volunteer labor and generous donations of items such as food, personal care items, paper products and household items from their communities. DOVE is a tax exempt non-profit agency according to Section 501(c)3 of the Internal
Revenue Code.
In 1984 the family of the late Myrtle and Arthur Trezise donated their home
for use as temporary emergency shelter for abused victims. In 1988 a major
renovation project took place to expand offices and counseling space. Another
renovation took place in the 1994-95 fiscal year which included the construction
of a conference room, storage space, an entry way and another office.
Our program expansions have included the coordination of a Community Reponse Team
which provided input to the Catholic Social Services Batterer's Intervention Program, Ironwood middle school students presentations geared towards prevention of violence in dating, Gogebic Community College where workshops and presentations are provided for freshman orientation regarding date rape as well as workshops that focus on identifying domestic violence in a health care setting for nursing students. Our staff also provides public engagements to community groups.
In 1996 DOVE expanded their DOVE VOCA Project and hired a half time Volunteer
Coordinator who offers training to persons interested in becoming active in our
organization. Also in 1996, we further expanded our services by applying and receiving funds
through the Federal Violence Against Women Act to hire a full time Legal Advocate
who assists our clients with their legal needs. In 1998, an Outreach Program began in Iron County, Wisconsin to serve victims of abuse. This program enabled DOVE to expand their already exsisting services. Funds from this grant created two new staff positions, and allowed DOVE to set up an Outreach office located in Hurley, Wisconsin. In 1999, an emergency cellular phone program was established. This program has proven to be a great success.
DOVE currently holds memberships of state and national service organizations such as
the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the Michigan Coalition Against
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault and the Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic
Violence. Our employees also regularly attend meetings such as Suspected Child Abuse
and Neglect (SCAN), Wrap Around, Childrens Trust Fund (CTF), Family Presevation Committee (Iron County, WI.) and Intergrated Family Services (IFS) in Gogebic County, MI and Iron County, WI.
Aside from maintaining a four-bedroom shelter residence, we offer many other supportive
services to Shelter and Non-Shelter clients. Those services are listed below. All of our services are
confidential and free of charge!
* 24-hour crisis hotline
* 24-hour toll free national crisis hotline
* 24-hour Emergency shelter (Maximum Length of Stay: 30 days)
* Outreach Center (Iron County, Wisconsin)
* Adult and youth individual counseling
* Adult and youth group counseling
* Emergency Cellular Phone Program
* Referrals, information and advocacy for legal, housing, employment, education, medical, children services, transportation and financial assistance.
Adult domestic violence groups meet on Tuesdays from: 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m at the Shelter.
Youth domestic violence groups meet on Tuesdays from:
5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Shelter.
Business line: (906) 932-4990
Crisis line: (906) 932-0310
Fax line: (906) 932-2040
Toll free crisis line: 1-800-711-6744
Hurley Outreach Office: (715) 561-5033
Hurley Fax line: (715) 561-5034
Board Member List
Gogebic County Sheriff Department
Calumet Shelter
Ann Arbor Shelter
Nicole Brown Simpson Charitable Foundation
Safety Net/DV Resources
Family Violence Prevention Fund
Michigan Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Violence Against Women's Office
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