Although my homepage has a strong Prince of Tides theme, it is not a ...Tides web site. This site will be dedicated mostly to surviving a "Callanwolde." Be it poetry, links, or just by checking out anothers story, I hope you find something here to help you out a little.

Callanwolde: From the novel The Prince Of Tides, a fictional piece of property in Atlanta, Georgia, owned by the Candler family, heirs of Coca-Cola.

“The word ‘Callanwolde’ changed meaning for us… It became a catchall, portmanteau word for everything evil or iniquitous in the world… It was a specific person, a specific place, and a general condition of a world suddenly fearful and a fate uncontrollable.”

-Tom Wingo, from Pat Conroy’s The Prince of Tides

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