Knitty's Home On The Web

Welcome To My Craft Shop. The crafts here are made in the traditional southwest. Enjoy your visit.

I chose this name because I love to knit..I learned to knit when
I was about 8 years old..My mother taught me to knit my first
project..It was a knitted purse..It was a varigated(different colors)
red, yellow, blue, pruple and green..I entered this project in the
Southern New Mexico State Fair that year..Did not win a ribbon..
But I did learn to knit.

After I went to Germany..I became more interested in knitting.. The
German girls had to learn to knit in the first grade by the time they
were eighteen they had to have knitted a whole outfit..This inspired me
to knit again..

I started making sweaters, then caps, then mittens..I also then purchased
a knitting machine, where I knit the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Santa Clause..
They are so cute.. I hope to have a picture of them on my homepage.

That's how I came up with the name knitty...

  • Through this door you will meet my 4 children and myself.
  • Through this door my hand made ceramic dolls with knitted or crocheted dresses.
  • My hand knitted or crocheted Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus.

  • Visit since June 9, 1997

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