
Mudpuddle's Place
Hi and Welcome to my home page.
"I will praise you, O Lord my God,
with all my heart;
I will glorify your name forever."
Psalm 86:12
Most of you know me as Mudpuddle....
my real name is Colette.
I live in central Florida.
I am happily married and God has blessed us
with 3 beautiful kids...
Michael....Jennifer....and Samuel.
Citrus J.V. 2001 Baseball Schedule
This is my first attempt at a homepage
so please bookmark it and come back
when I've had time to figure out
what I'm doing
and add some of my favorite links and pics.
I am a born again Christian
I have so many interests
I don't know where to start
but some of my favorites are
collecting Barbies....
collecting Beanie Babies...

and of course....
chatting with friends over the net!
I LOVE my icq....
and if you don't have it.... you should get it!
My favorite place to chat use to be
HGTV chat....but I'm sorry to say they
have closed the chatroom due to problems
they were having with the chatroom and a
number of chatters complaining about computer
problems they were having.
Hopefully, soon, they will get the chatroom up
and running again....
I sure do miss my chat buds.....
I always knew where to find them.
I have created a map for the chatters to
check out to get a general idea of where
other chatters are from. Click here
to view the map.
Each morning when I get up...
before I even start the coffee...
I turn on the puter and log-on to the net.
When my coffee is ready I come back and sit down
and bring up my email where I always have a bible verse
and short devotional sent to me everyday.
What a great way to start the day!
If you'd like to receive a scripture and devotional
in your mailbox each day...go to
"Heart Light"
and sign up.

Please feel free to sign my guestbook and email me!
