|| Chris' Book Lovers Page || Chris' Author Interviews || Chris' Suite101 articles on Dog Grooming ||Fanny's tips (Fanny is my dog:) ||In Memory of My Dad|| Chris' Grandmother's tips
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Book Lovers Corner
Want to read a great book! Or maybe even WRITE one? Then don't miss my page For Book LoversWell worth checking out! Click on the turnning pages for an excellent read!
Not the best picture of me in the kitchen at home but come on in. Java's hot so....Grab a coffee and visit awhile! Click the cup to find the more personal side of me!
We are the proud grandparents of four precious little angels. Abbie, Karlie, Katie and the newest arrival Nicholas have blessed us with their unending love and joy.
The Eleventh Commandment as sung by Country Music Star Colin Raye is "Honor Thy Children"  So I post this icon in that name.
Check out my Grandmother's page.
(There is nothing like advice from Grandma!
 Click the baby blocks if you are a grandparent or pregnant or just wish you were!
Feel free to read about the 1st man in my life
Come visit the webpage I made for our Catholic Church.
Lots of spiritual info.
Super Christain links!
and the impact he had on my life.
In Loving Memory of my Dad
My daughter was Married in '97.Click the doves to fly over and see what we did for the Big Day!
Some of the sites I used for graphics on this page
Click to family pics
The older you get the faster life goes by and so before it is spent for me I have a list of things I 've planned to accomplish.
One was to raise loving, giving and caring
children and I do have to say I excelled at that one.
Another was to find a career working with dogs...did that and still doing it.
I always thought how great it would be to become a published writer .. so I became one in non-fiction --  you guessed it
Dog Grooming 
For fun I have written a book or two of steamy romance novels.
We discovered how much fun
CRUISING could be and have been to Hawaii,Mexico and the Carrribean on fabulous holidays. There piqued another new love --snorkelling and then lead to our latest thrill Scuba Diving, which we are proud to say we have obtained our Open Water Diver Certification through the expert tutorage of the
SSI Instructors at Ocean Pacific,Kamloops

I love to dabble in the arts and oil painting and sculpting in all sorts of mediums is a great sourse of relaxation for me . I will try to post some of my creations through this link.