Beta Sigma Phi in Kincardine Ontario Canada
There are currently two active chapters of sorority in Kincardine
- Xi Zeta Gamma and Epsilon Alpha.
Members of Xi Zeta are:
President:Kelly Young (Preceptor) Vice President: Christine Harkness(Preceptor)
Treasurer: Janice Larsen (Ritual of Jewels) Recording/Corresponding Secretary: Kim
Bisson(Preceptor) Linda Stephenson (Preceptor) Lynne Whitaker (Exemplar)
Welcome to our three new members!
Cathy Ellis (Ritual of Jewels)
Glenys Kennel (Ritual of Jewels)
Sue MacNair (Ritual of Jewels)
Congratulations to our Woman of the Year 2004, Janice Larsen!
Members of Epsilon Alpha are:
President: Barbara Goetz Vice president: Jan Kelly Treasurer: Janet Rolufs Recording
Secretary: Jo-anne Ballantyne Corresponding Secretary/Extension Officer: Pat Bearss
Pam Adili Susan Alves
Joanne Ballantyne Bal Bridge-Moll Jane Davidson Marion Donnelley Caroline Gorski Marg Hill Ruth Hirtenfeld Marg Lamont
Cathy Luinstra Alberta Munro Frances
Nixon Jeanne Paquin Lynda Smith Marian Smith Marg Sussens Mhairi Walsh
Carol Williams Milvi Zuch
Congratulations to our Woman of the Year 2004, Barb Goetz!


As a group we are dedicated to the ideals of Life, Learning and Friendship.
Please take a moment to sign and read our
guestbook. Or send us an email - we'd love to hear from
Members - get all the news right away and sign up for our mailing list! Click on the link below!

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We sponsor an award for the Kincardine Kippers Swim Team. See the winners by clicking below.

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