To Laura's Web page!
I am semi-moved in now, I've got some links now. Surf by another time and I should have more.
Click HERE to read something cool!
Why is it cool? Well, 'cause it's by ALISA! =)
Click here to see pictures of my friends (I am sorry that they take so long to load! Have patience...)
Want to visit my friend Donny's web page?
Click here
It will be up and running soon, right after he gets home from Illinois!
I went to Romania last summer, and I really miss it, so, as a tribute to that beautiful land, here is some cool info about the country. Check it out!
Click Aquí to read some quotes.
Since you're in the clicking mood, click this
It's my friend Alisa's page. It's got lots of cool links.
Click Right Here to get connected to Tooth and Nail Records, the label one of my favorite bands, Plankeye is signed on.
Well thanks for stopping by! There will be some more stuff soon. Please check back. Bye!
A BIG thank you goes out to Dana, Alisa, and Janet for helping me out with my page. Thanks guys, you're awesome!
E-mail me and tell me what you think of my page! (Please keep negative comments to a minimum, I'm new at this. Thanks!:)
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