Mabel's homepage

Jabberwocky Page

Welcome to Jabberwocky, Mabel's little web page ..... Now the time has come ..... To talk of many things... Of psychoanalysis-and feminism- and literature ..... Of ancient cities and kings.... And how pharmacy and Sailor Moon are linked... And whether bacteriae have wings.... Just go through this web page.... And you'll find all these things.... *grin*

*It's a Mad, Mad World!
*All About Me
*Wacky Pharmaceutical Facts
*Profile of A Pharmacist

*All about books...

*Love in Literature
*Joy and Sorrow by Gibran
*Favorite Poems
*My Venting Corner

*The truth is out there...

* The Quintessential Me
* Previews of Independence Day, The Sequel
* Procrastinators Anonymous

*Links to other sites on the Web:
* Ontario Pharmacists Information
* Helpful Medication Data
* Engineering site

*Click here to send any comments or insults to Mabel


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