Be beautiful ~adorn your mind.......... Welcome to Ilona's Reflecting Pool .......... Winter, 2006
I still find each day too short for all the
thoughts I want to think,
all the walks I want to take,
all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see. ~ John Burrough
Garden Site Map
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Site news:
The BIG NEWS is that I now have some domain names and am dividing up this site and moving most of it. The Childbirth site is still chock full of information if you are pregnant or thinking about it. This part is staying where it is for now. All major sections have their own sets of links: but Celtic and Hungarian sections for the time also stay @ geocities. The main site is now @
It is still in "under construction" mode but I am keeping everything online as I rework things. The garden site, "Ilona's Garden" is now going to be fully moved to, and this is the part I am most excited about because of all the great plans ahead for it.
Biblestudy area for some meditation or study helps. Still busy my blogs. One is for garden journaling, and the other is definitely something else. Truegrit is more geared toward opinions and religion, strong emphasis on religion.
The blogs:
truegrit and Ilona's Garden Journal. For the newest in my opinions and the updates from my own garden, read the blogs
The theme of my page is one point from a bible text, Philipians 4:8 "whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things".
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Copyright: �Ilona's Reflecting Pool, 2006. All Rights Reserved.
This page is in the process of moving to If you desire to support my internet activities with Amazon purchases through the access from my pages I would appreciate it. I have several cool aStores- the one for reflecting pool interests is this aStore. I get to make personal recommendations for books and things- which is something I always wanted to offer from this page. I am working on collecting the childrens books choices together right now, and adding in my comment/reviews. Or you might want to give young parents a gift card-
Last year,I worked hard to renew the site...
the Childbirth section is on a stable server, the same one with which I now have my hosting. I also have moved Loving Christmas totally to its own domain, You might say I've been very busy working on all this! Yes, you certainly could say that. I'm very excited about the possibilities. For one thing I can have my own message board eventually, and the whole setup is scads easier to update and make new additions. So that means more for you, my dear visitors. I feel badly to have so neglected this site, but I am really tired of the annoying ad styles. Not that I am complaining because geocities was very good to me over the years with free and very stable hosting. I think it is great to start out on, but my own domain has been long overdue. -in case you forgot the name. Still in the works, but I am steadily improving it. So update your bookmarks, since I will delete the garden site from here and the Christmas sites once they are on their own domains and everything has checked out.
Info Pages :
- Garden
- The gardening section of my site. Midwest garden, building a garden... perfumed garden, etc.- in the stage of transfering to its own site and working out the bugs ( HA HA!), but soon to be completed
- Childbirth
- Childbirth section with many pages- managing pain, medical terms, labor stages...Things women need to know.
- Body Beautiful
- Motivation and useful advice for exercising and healthy lifestyle.
- Nutrition
- Herbs
- Motivation
- Christians and fitness
- Exercise
- De-stress
Inspiration :
- Lifelights
- inspiration for life and love, art, jokes, ... for those who
need a reflective interlude. Food for thought.
- Poems
of Mothers
- celebrating motherhood
- The Front Page
- My original front page with the Lake applet and "Thoughts"... you can also find out about me, if you are interested.
- Loving Christmas
- The pages celebrating everything Christmas: the recipes, decorations, the love. On its own domain, now, and including "Christmas in Ohio"
Cultures I enjoy Pages :
- Hungary
- Celebrating Hungarian culture through a Mother's Day Page.
- Celtic
- I really like Celtic music, etc.... and this is a tribute section to those cultures, Irish, Scot, and Welsh.
My Opinions :
- Opinions
- ~ from me, on whatever struck my mind at the time, plus Bible Opinions inspired by my list discussions.
- Bible Study
- A small collection of Bible studies and verses, also linked to the Bible Opinions.
- The Sitemap
- The whole site, and the news of the site. Whatever new graphics are offered for you will be on this page.
"We are called to be women. The fact that I am a woman does
not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am
a Christian does make me a different kind of woman. For I have
accepted God's idea of me, and my whole life is an offering back
to Him of all that I am and all that He wants me to be."
~Elisabeth Elliot
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