AVWC logo

A Vancouver Women's Chorus is a group of lesbian and lesbian-positive women who
come from diverse cultural, political, religious and musical backgrounds.

We perform music that is drawn from a variety of styles and represents many cultures
in an effort to entertain, educate and share our struggles and strengths.

We believe that music is a source of strength and, with women of the chorus and
community at large, we strive to bring women's music and its message to life.

For more information, call

(604) 669-0992

Thanks to everyone who came to our spring concert!

Check out the photos...


Visit AVWC's official website at


A Vancouver Women's Chorus performing at the Unitarian Church of Vancouver

— October 13, 2007 —

This was AVWC's first performance with new director Nicki Hamilton.

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Comments, suggestions and fan mail can be sent to:info@avancouverwomenschorus.org

Thanks to geocities logo for hosting this site.

Last updated June 2008

© 1996-2008 tomboy graphics, Vancouver, B.C.