**Announcement: I received an email from Geocities last week telling my I was getting too many hits and therefore using too much bandwidth. So they shut my site down for a few days!! To keep this from happening again, I have moved my site to its own domain and server. Click HERE to go to the new site and be sure to bookmark it. Thanks everybody for making this site a success!! Susan

Welcome to Susan Smiles-Surviving Childhood Sexual Abuse

When I was being abused, I was told to keep it a secret!
Every child who is abused is told that.
Such good secret-keepers we are!!
Years after my abuse, I was still keeping it inside.
I believe that when we, as survivors, continue to keep
the secret of the perpetrator, we are enabling abuse to continue.
The evil that they do is not brought to light.

It is after much therapy and prayer, that I no longer keep the secret.
I am choosing to shout it from the rooftops.
I was sexually abused by a priest!
The trauma that I suffered from the abuse AND the secret that
I kept for so many years are long lasting to say the least.

This web site is dedicated to my inner child.
She is a strong and resourceful little girl.

My goal remains the same:  to provide a safe and comforting place where
survivors may know they are not alone in their fight to survive the trauma of childhood sexual abuse.

"But the child's sob in the silence curses deeper 
   Than the strong man in his wrath." 

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

I'd love to hear from you!

Want to help? Read this!
Check out this beautifully written poem by Kim!
Ken and I were married on February 12, 2000!
NEW!! Phylis and her beautiful healing poetry!

*PS-the Children Webring



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