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Welcome to my humor page. I first started this so as I didn't need to send out jokes that I liked to my friends. But since only two of my friends knows how to work the internet, I decided to forget them, and make this into a (somewhat) real web page. Now this is where I spend all my time, adding jokes, looking for more entries in my guestbook, and basically making my mind just full of HTML codes, slowly forgetting the stuff I learned in the first grade. Enjoy yourself!

Here's how this works: I update this generally on a Friday afternoon, so I still have time in the evening to go out to clubs with my friends. (Yeah, right) I used to add jokes regularly, but I haven't the time, now just when I'm d/l mp3s. I'll be repairing broken pages for now, maybe I'll add some more. I'll let ya know when I do.

Plus, I'm making a site right now with my friend Baxter. I won't spoil the surprise now, but I'll say our slogan: Screw Jennifer Love Hewitt, we'll give you REAL people to worship. It's at Angelfire, and I'll let ya also know when that page is done.

Well, anyway,check outs the jokes!

Some Christmas jokes. Yo, puffy, check 'em out Click here.

This is Tina, the troubled Teen. Everday she has something new and depressing to say.
Tina the Troubled Teen
And meet her buddy, Tom, the Shy Guy. He doesn't say anything because he's the strong, silent type. If you want one of yer own, click on him to get your own personal Shy Guy.

More jokes from Web Ticker. Click on it to get you own ticker.

Rock News from Web Ticker. Get your own by clicking on it.

And in case you don't like what you see, see the Disclaimer

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OMIGOD, I updated!!Last updated August 4th

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