Catholic Homeschooling in Maryland
Catholic Homeschooling in Maryland
Homeschooling is one of the best ways I know
to grow along with your kids. Join us in our adventure! The
emphasis here is Catholic homeschooling and the support group
called Traditions of Roman Catholic Homes (open to all -- not
just Catholics or homeschoolers).
T.O.R.C.H. (Traditions of Roman Catholic Homes)
is a support group for homeschooling and other families --
one with a particularly Catholic flavor although it is open to
anyone who wishes to join. There are activities aimed at
homeschooled children -- Little Flowers girls' clubs for younger
girls, St. Dominic Savio Boys' club for younger boys (in some areas, Little Flowers and St. Dominic's have been replaced by the Catholic Kids Network), Conquest for older boys and Challenge for girls, First Friday masses and Saints activities for all ages. There are family activities and activities for parents as well.
To find a TORCH chapter in your area, or to get information on starting one, this page from the National Torch website should prove helpful: TORCH Regional Coordinators
Other TORCH web pages include:
The national TORCH page
Montgomery County, MD TORCH
Northern VA TORCH
Please let me know if you have a TORCH page or find one not linked here.
There are many options for homeschooling in Maryland. We have
tried more than one and will doubtless try others before we are
done. Presently we are working with an umbrella group that
provides us with direction in planning our educational approach
and assistance in choosing and finding materials. In previous
years, we have reported directly to the Anne Arundel County
Board of Education (not as scary as it sounds)
We have also worked with the Seton Home School program. Most recently, we have been using the syllabi from
Mother of Divine Grace. We know people who have tried many other methods with good results.
I have discovered a web site called It is a place were ordinary people can write on a variety of subjects and earn small amounts of money in the process. Among my writings are some thoughts on homeschooling:
Why do we homeschool? or "They tried, but they couldn't do it."
The Eclectic Kindergarten or "Tyger! Tyger! burning bright "
What will the neighbors say? or "Another American family corrupted"
These links will take you to the site where not all the writings are pro-homeschooling. Then again, neither are all your neighbors or family members.
Homeschool resources
Catholic Books From TAN Books and Publishers
is a great source for all sorts of Catholic books. They have
children’s books, lives of saints, textbooks (basically religion and history) and many other materials difficult or impossible to find elsewhere.
Ignatius Press (Home Page)
Publishers of a wide variety of Catholic literature.
Packaged Programs: Some of these sell materials as well
as packaged programs. Most offer resource teachers. All are
Catholic. Link to their sites for an explanation of their
programs. If you are new to homeschooling, one of these can be
a great way to get started. Many people use one or another of
these from kindergarten through high school.
Kolbe Academy
Seton Home Study School Web
More Homeschool Resources
Our parish is St. Jane Frances
de Chantal Church
They have a K-8 school -- check out the
Jane Frances School Homepage). My older children attended
the school for several years. The teachers, administrators, and religious education leaders have been supportive of our decision to homeschool.
As Catholic parents, it is our responsibility to help our children to discern God's will for their lives. For many, this will mean marriage and families. For some, vocations to the priesthood or religious life. There is a growing presence on the internet for those who may feel a call - or who are simply curious.
It's time to start thinking about Springhill Center for Family Development's Christmas House 2006.
December 2-11, 2005
Springhill Center for Family Development provides programs for youth, families, and couples in central Maryland. Last year, the big fundraiser was our Christmas House.
Some of central Maryland's top designers will decorate this vintage home again this year. If you'd like to be a part of Christmas House as a sponsor or a designer, contact the center's business manager at
For a look at last year's Christmas House, click on this link
Natural Family Planning adds a new dimension to your marriage.
It can overcome many difficulties with conception and is the
most reliable temporary method of avoiding pregnancy. Check
these links for information and assistance
NFP links
Billings ovulation
World Organisation Ovulation Method Billings (WOOMB)
The Couple To
Couple League International, Inc. provides
information about local CCL activities (programs teaching NFP). They also have a home learning packet you can
use to learn the basics of Natural Family Planning at home.
The Couple to Couple League of Central Maryland and DC To find out about Natural Family Planning classes in Montgomery County, Maryland visit this page.
St Agnes Hospital offers classes, and you can reach them at (410) 368-2810 (voice) or (410) 368-3558 (fax) They also offer family centered childbirth care, without the pressure for artificial birth control you so often find at secular hospitals. Lactation consultants are on staff to help breastfeeding moms and their babies. The level III+ nicu means that very few babies have to be transported to other facilities after birth.
My personal experiences with NFP (links to
Billings vs. Symptothermal (CCLI) methods I've used both. Here's my experience.
Honey, I think I swallowed the thermometer! A look at the pros and cons of glass thermometers.
The Persecuted Church Find out about persecution of Christians worldwide -- and what you can do to help.

A place for kids and people who care about them
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