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                                                            RAF WETHERSFIELD

                                                                                                                                                          Photo by Charley Duberger

20th Tactical Fighter Wing

US Air Force



Music! #1hit in UK 1962

20th TFW History
Finchingfield- Cliff Lawson
Finchingfield- Roger Beckwith
Jim Tansey's RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge site
Linn Barringer's Bentwaters/Woodbridge site
20th Fighter Wing Association site
RAFW C47 Crash
Kirk Dyken's 20th TFW "High Garrett" 2163rd Air Force Comm Sq. 
(NEW) Satellite view of RAF Wethersfield today!!
1963 F 100 CRASH - Deputy Wing Commander COL. WENDELL J. KELLY  killed 

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View Old RAFW Guestbook
            RAF Wethersfield now - A brief history
      The People of RAF Wethersfield - More Photo
     Vintage Wingman Newspapers plus Ed Goodhue's cartoons 
    20th Field Maint Sqdn Reunion photos
            Link to unofficial USAF Email Locator and other related sites

We need any and all suggestions for this bodacious Web site. Please contact us anytime. Please click on "VIEW GUESTBOOK" and sign in. If you've been stationed at RAF Wethersfield, or were a civilian employee, dependant, or otherwise, please let us know!!!  We are always looking for more photos, items or articles that might be of interest to the viewers of this site. If you have any that you think would make a good addition, email them to me, but be sure and put "RAFW" in the subject line so it won't possibly get spam deleted.    

Bob Barrett© 1997

Looking northeast, in the photo below, starting with the Barbarshop with the Beauty Shop on the back end of it, then the Base Library to left, and then beyond it the NCO Club and the famous " Airmans Club" annex attached to the right side of it, and "Salute Alley" as the adjoining walkway was known by the officers who happened to take that path. The Airmans Club Annex was responsible for many romances, hangovers, nickel nights, $5 chitbooks, empty wallets, live rock bands, bus loads of pretty English girls, casino nights, the center of social life for many a Airman (and some NCOs and Officers, disguised as enlisted men who wanted to sneak in and join the fun) and not all necessarily in that order. Farther to left is the new Barracks, to the right is Base housing, with the flight line in the distance. I believe the Base Exchange is at the lower right. The Photos down below are miniturized to reduce load time.
Just click on them and they will enlarge.

barbarshop.jpg (51514 bytes)

Photo -Mike Colman

Click on the images below for enlargement viewing   

                      3balls.jpg (54422 bytes)


          wheelus2.jpg (84847 bytes)       
                                 D' Flight -Dave Kercsmar                          Wheelus boresite range-Fred.McCray         F100 in camouflage-Warren Lewis


      RA77thTFS.jpg (22621 bytes)                            RALedesk.jpg (71890 bytes)                       RALedesk2.jpg (33569 bytes)
77th TFS OR Area-Richard Allen                                     Security Police desk - Richard Allen         SPS Police plot board - Richard Allen


                      briggs2.jpg (42223 bytes)                  f-100dragchute.jpg (55268 bytes)
  RAFW Clean-u p day-Mike Colman         Capt. Mike Briggs in full flying gear - Ed Goodhue               F100 Landing  -Dick Payne


Click on Images to Enlarge

pcjones.jpg (24230 bytes)           briggs.jpg (18421 bytes)           C-47.jpg (73744 bytes)
PC Jones directing traffic-Ed Goodhue     Capt. P. M. Briggs-  Ed Goodhue                   20th TFW C47 (Goonie Bird) - Gerald Shirley



3balls1959.jpg (47855 bytes)                         belgian104.jpg (3066854 bytes)                         belgian84F.jpg (33200 bytes)
Col. Toliver's Tripple Zilch 1959                               Belgian F104 at 8-8-64 open house                               Belgian F84F at 8-8-64 open house
              photo - Roger Leitch                                        photo - Roger Leitch                                                            photo - Roger Leitch          


f100d53668.jpg (12638 bytes)                       HH43.jpg (22105 bytes)                                 f100d1966.jpg (14700 bytes)
Deputy Wing Commanders F100D- 1959               RAFW Rescue Huskie - 1967                                              RAFW F100D - 1966 Colors
          Photo - Roger Leitch                                          photo - Roger Leitch                                                     photo - Roger Leitch



f105.jpg (17944 bytes)                        RAFWGnat.jpg (14360 bytes)                                 rescchopper.gif (74598 bytes)
F105D at RAFW open house 1964                           RAF Gnat at RAFW Open house - 1964                            HH43 Rescue Huskie - 1967
            photo - Roger Leitch                                        photo - Roger Leitch                                                          photo - Roger Leitch                      


  rafwgate.jpg (29263 bytes)                                             
RAFW front gate - Dick Larsen                            Inside the Airmans Club -Mike Colman                         Inside the NCO Club - Mike Colman


                inchowhall.jpg (35477 bytes)                      
Outside the old chowhall - Fred McCray                        Inside the Chowhall- Dick Payne                      FMS Barracks - Fred McCray



           qhutxmas.jpg (24853 bytes)              
Home sweet Home-site 8                          Xmas in Quanset hut - Steve Smith                  Base Theater - Warren Lewis



rafwchurch.jpg (45567 bytes)            bowlingalley.jpg (47145 bytes)             rafwchurch2.gif (79450 bytes)
Looking  north toward the Church -Dick Payne                       Bowling Alley - Dick Payne                                             Church - Warren Lewis



RAFWBldgs.jpg (69295 bytes)                  patch3.jpg (57994 bytes)                  newchowhall.gif (65828 bytes)
Beauty parlor and Library -Dick Larsen                          Gas Station - Ed Goodhue                        New Mess hall 1969- Warren Lewis



rafwnbarracks.gif (83336 bytes)                  rafw21.gif (93256 bytes)                 rafw13.gif (64848 bytes)
New barracks built 1969-Warren Lewis                          Supply area - Warren Lewis                                      Open House 1968                            


rafw17.gif (89126 bytes)                rafw20.gif (69042 bytes)                rafw22.gif (79968 bytes)
Supply Admin. - Warren Lewis                              House west of Barracks -Warren Lewis                       Supply Area  - Warren Lewis



rafw23.gif (84471 bytes)                  rafw24.gif (67747 bytes)                  rafw8.gif (71244 bytes)
  John Williams   Warren Lewis                              open house            Warren Lewis                  Looking south toward airmans club-W.L.



LVW1968aeroclub.jpg (18483 bytes)                                       LVW1969baseballfld.jpg (25526 bytes)                               LVWcontrtower1968.jpg (22643 bytes)                 
1968 Aeroclub - Lynn VanWinkle                                             1969 Baseball Fld - Lynn VanWinkle                 Control Tower 1968


LVWfootballfld.jpg (21508 bytes)            LVWsecpol.jpg (38014 bytes)                 LVWwafbarracks.jpg (22528 bytes)
Football Fld - Lynn VanWinkle                        Security Police - Lynn VanWinkle                WAF Barracks - Lynn VanWinkle


rafwquonset.jpg (20345 bytes)                fireater.jpg (63090 bytes)             patch1.jpg (61581 bytes)
Looking toward Site 8 from the Hospital                              Fire Eater drills-Ed Goodhue                        Air photo #1 by Ed Goodhue


   patch2.jpg (56886 bytes)         winghdqtrsign1953.jpg (11270 bytes)       bellpub.jpg (28685 bytes)bellcard.jpg (19433 bytes)  
  Air photo #2 of RAFW by Ed Goodhue        1953 Wing HQ sign     
"The Bell" Pub in Braintree, One of the Yanks hangouts
                                                                            Photo-Floyd LaMondia                                                 Photo - Fred McCray


            C-47Gibraltar.jpg (241428 bytes)                          challislane.jpg (112154 bytes)                     20thT33.jpg (14326 bytes)
                  20th C47 at Gibraltor                                          Challis Lane in Braintree                   20th T33  1953
                             photo Olen Hall                                    photo Bernie Winograd                               photo Vern Bernhardt


              c47vernB.jpg (32427 bytes)                                L5vernB1.jpg (20022 bytes)                  l5vernB2.jpg (38837 bytes)
                     20th C47  1953                                                              20th L5   1953                                    20th L5  1953
                   photo Vern Bernhardt                                                photo Vern Bernhardt                               photo Vern Bernhardt  


  dougmac1.jpg (30890 bytes)                                       dougmac4.jpg (35918 bytes)                        dougmac2.jpg (39769 bytes)            
photo - Doug MacDonald                                                   photo- Doug MacDonald                                    photo- Doug MacDonald


AGEshop2b.jpg (38667 bytes)                              AGEshop3a.psd.jpg (56827 bytes)                        BoBPolhamus_EngTestCell_a.psd.jpg (63274 bytes)
Photo-Bob Polhamus                               Photo-Bob Polhamus                         Photo-Bob Polhamus


vbomber.jpg (5786 bytes)   RoyJ_vulcan.jpg (11025 bytes)         britishredarrows.jpg (13291 bytes)                dougmac5.jpg (33090 bytes)
Victor -D.Mcdonald  RAF Vulcan-R.Johnson               British Red Arrows - MacDonald     Radar Trailer -D. MacDonald


cingoldtbird1.jpg (17781 bytes)                                     cingoldtbird2.jpg (17268 bytes)                            cingoldspitfire.jpg (17616 bytes)
'59 Open House - Chuck Ingold                       '59 Open House - Chuck Ingold                              '59 Open House Hurricane - Chuck Ingold

botta4.jpg (45997 bytes)                        BotaTrippleBalls.jpg (16040 bytes)  
            20th T-39 - Sal Botta                                                      Tripple Balls - Sal Botta


     f-100d_53663.jpg (41649 bytes)                     f-100d_53668-2.jpg (41699 bytes)
      20th F100 - Sal Botta                                         20th F100 - Sal Botta                                                                                      


rafwtoilet.jpg (23467 bytes)                    mushroom2.jpg (96958 bytes)                     mushroom1.jpg (95746 bytes)                   
Look Familiar?                              Mushroom Farms 1959                            Mushroom Farms 1937                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

 RAFWSign.jpg (64044 bytes)              wheelusbarracks.jpg (13895 bytes)            
Sign post in Finchingfield - Dick Larsen                         20th barracks at Wheelus- Steve Smith     Douglas House, London  - B. Barrett   


welcomtoRAFW.jpg (90814 bytes)                              londontubes.jpg (253553 bytes)                 underground.jpg (248667 bytes)
Welcome pamphlet-Steve Smith                             London tubes guide-back-Steve Smith                        London tubes guide-front                                                                       



emberclub.jpg (19302 bytes)                              ukscrip1.jpg (44196 bytes)                      ukscrip2.jpg (52385 bytes)
Ember Club - Braintree                                                 UK Scrip - front -  Steve Smith                                           UK Scrip - back


20thfmspatch.jpg (84462 bytes)            f100patch.jpg (20141 bytes)          55thpatch.jpg (28329 bytes)               77thpatch.jpg (17652 bytes)

20AP.jpg (115815 bytes)           rpayne20thpatch.jpg (30588 bytes)           RoyJ_20thK9Patch.jpg (56691 bytes)             Badge1.JPG (205831 bytes)

botta2.jpg (105289 bytes)           20thpatch2.jpg (51767 bytes)                                                                                              

amclubcard.jpg (44020 bytes)   amclubcard2.jpg (63320 bytes)               chowcard.jpg (25878 bytes)            fltlinepass.jpg (22635 bytes)
                            Airmans Club card


Image22.jpg (86780 bytes)  

Bob Barrett

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