We need any and all suggestions for this
bodacious Web site. Please contact us anytime. Please click on "VIEW GUESTBOOK"
and sign in. If
you've been stationed at RAF Wethersfield, or were a civilian employee, dependant, or
otherwise, please let us know!!!
are always looking for more photos, items or articles that might be of interest to the
viewers of this site. If you have any that you think would make a good addition, email
them to me, but be sure and put "RAFW" in the subject line so it won't possibly get spam deleted.
Bob Barrett© 1997 robert1965@hotmail.com
Looking northeast, in the photo below, starting with the Barbarshop
with the Beauty Shop on the back end of it, then the Base Library to left, and then beyond
it the NCO Club and the famous " Airmans Club" annex attached to the right side
of it, and "Salute Alley" as the adjoining walkway was known by the officers who
happened to take that path. The Airmans Club Annex was responsible for many romances,
hangovers, nickel nights, $5 chitbooks, empty wallets, live rock bands, bus loads of
pretty English girls, casino nights, the center of social life for many a Airman (and some
NCOs and Officers, disguised as enlisted men who wanted to sneak in and join the fun) and
not all necessarily in that order. Farther to left is the new Barracks, to the right is
Base housing, with the flight line in the distance. I believe the Base Exchange is at the
lower right. The Photos down below
are miniturized to reduce load time.
Just click on them and they will enlarge.

Photo -Mike Colman
Click on the images below for
enlargement viewing

D' Flight -Dave Kercsmar
Wheelus boresite
range-Fred.McCray F100 in
camouflage-Warren Lewis

77th TFS OR Area-Richard Allen
Security Police desk - Richard Allen SPS Police
plot board - Richard Allen

RAFW Clean-u p day-Mike Colman
Capt. Mike Briggs in full flying gear - Ed
F100 Landing -Dick Payne
Click on Images to Enlarge

PC Jones directing traffic-Ed Goodhue Capt. P. M.
Briggs- Ed Goodhue
20th TFW C47 (Goonie Bird) - Gerald Shirley

Col. Toliver's Tripple Zilch 1959
Belgian F104 at 8-8-64 open house
Belgian F84F at 8-8-64 open house
photo - Roger Leitch
photo - Roger Leitch
photo - Roger Leitch

Deputy Wing Commanders F100D- 1959
RAFW Rescue
Huskie - 1967
RAFW F100D - 1966 Colors
Photo - Roger
photo - Roger Leitch
photo - Roger Leitch

F105D at RAFW open house 1964
RAF Gnat at RAFW Open house - 1964
HH43 Rescue Huskie - 1967
photo - Roger Leitch
photo - Roger Leitch
photo - Roger Leitch

RAFW front gate - Dick Larsen
Inside the Airmans Club -Mike Colman
Inside the NCO Club - Mike Colman

Outside the old chowhall - Fred McCray
Inside the Chowhall- Dick Payne
FMS Barracks - Fred McCray

Home sweet Home-site 8
Xmas in Quanset hut -
Steve Smith
Base Theater - Warren Lewis

Looking north toward the Church -Dick Payne
Bowling Alley - Dick Payne
Church - Warren Lewis

Beauty parlor and Library -Dick Larsen
Gas Station - Ed Goodhue
New Mess hall 1969- Warren Lewis

New barracks built 1969-Warren Lewis
Supply area - Warren Lewis
Open House 1968

Supply Admin. - Warren Lewis
west of Barracks -Warren Lewis
Supply Area - Warren Lewis

John Williams Warren Lewis
house Warren Lewis
Looking south toward airmans club-W.L.
1968 Aeroclub - Lynn VanWinkle
1969 Baseball Fld - Lynn VanWinkle
Control Tower 1968

Football Fld - Lynn VanWinkle
Security Police - Lynn VanWinkle
Barracks - Lynn VanWinkle

Looking toward Site 8 from the Hospital
Fire Eater
Air photo #1 by Ed Goodhue

Air photo #2 of RAFW by Ed Goodhue
1953 Wing HQ sign
"The Bell" Pub in Braintree, One of the Yanks
Photo - Fred McCray

20th C47 at Gibraltor
Challis Lane in Braintree
20th T33 1953
photo Olen Hall
photo Bernie Winograd
photo Vern Bernhardt

20th C47 1953
20th L5 1953
20th L5 1953
photo Vern Bernhardt
photo Vern Bernhardt
photo Vern Bernhardt
photo - Doug MacDonald
photo- Doug
photo- Doug MacDonald

Photo-Bob Polhamus
Photo-Bob Polhamus
Photo-Bob Polhamus

RAF Victor -D.Mcdonald
RAF Vulcan-R.Johnson
British Red Arrows - MacDonald
Radar Trailer -D. MacDonald

'59 Open House - Chuck Ingold
'59 Open House - Chuck Ingold
'59 Open House Hurricane - Chuck Ingold
20th T-39 - Sal Botta
Tripple Balls - Sal Botta

20th F100 - Sal Botta
20th F100 - Sal Botta
Mushroom Farms
Mushroom Farms 1937

Sign post in Finchingfield - Dick Larsen
20th barracks at Wheelus- Steve Smith
Douglas House, London - B. Barrett

Welcome pamphlet-Steve Smith
London tubes guide-back-Steve Smith
London tubes guide-front

Ember Club - Braintree
UK Scrip - front
- Steve Smith
UK Scrip - back

Airmans Club card
Bob Barrett