Mike's Homepage

(With Help from Matt)


Since Saturday, 12 Jul 97 Counter have visited my homepage.

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1. Dave Harclerode, 2. Terry Pallone, 3.Una Chiodini, 4. Paul Romein, 5. Mike Harper, 6, Fran McDermott.

7. Gunny Olson, 8. Matt Pachosa, 9. Joe Chiodini, 10. Craig McCorkle, 11. Joe Callihan.



    Mike Harper
    I was born in the Lutheran Hospital in Beatrice, NE, on 6/24/38. I'm just a good 'ole farm boy from Nebraska. I enlisted in the USAF about one week after I graduated as I wanted to get out of the farm living. Went to Parks AFB,CA for my basic and then to Lowery AFB,CO for my technical training to become a Radar Technician on the B-47 Aircraft. Not too many people today remember that Aircraft, but it sure looked good in the air. I was stationed at Little Rock Air Force Base from l956-l959 where I became a Water Safety Instructer and a Life Guard at the Officer's Pool and also managed the swingingest night club in North Little Rock. I entered the Aviation Cadet Program in March of 1959 and graduated on May 5. l960 when I received my Commission as a 2nd Lt. Navigator. I washed out of the Advanced Navigator Program and became a Maintenance Officer until they decided to send me back to Denver, Colorado, for about l0 months of schooling to make me a professional Armament Bombardment Officer. I was then transferred to MacDill AFB in November of l96l. I lived in the swingingest house on Davis Island and met my "Waterloo" in October of l962. We didn't get married until November l9, l965, but beleive it or not, we are still married. I was transferred to McGuire AFB, NJ, and was released from there in June of l966. We came back to Tampa and have been living here since l966. We lived in a nice home on Bayshore Court for 22 years; however, we have been living in our lovely Condo since April '89. We may be moving to a 3/2 first floor condo, probably in the Temple Terrace area with-in the next year or so. I am just hanging around waiting for my Lt. Col. USAFR retirement pay which will commence on August l, l998. Would you believe I received my first check on July lst? Utterly amazing!! On May 26, 1999, we moved into our beautiful 3/2 first floor retirement condo in the Temple Terrace part of Tampa. This condo living is just beautiful. On May 20, 2000 we departed for the Holy Land in Israel and then to Oberammergau, Germany, for the Passion Play which takes place every ten years. We had a lovely time and a lovely trip.



    (December 13, 1944)

    Kirby, Ralph, Mike, and Fredabelle

    "This is how it used to be"


    (December 13, 2001)

    Mike and Helen


    "This is how it was then"

    (November 13, 2005)

    Helen and Mike


    "This is how it is now"

    (November 19, 2005)

    Helen and Mike


    My hobby in 1959 was being in the US Air Force with my new 1957 Chevrolet

    Today, my hobbies are being retired, bowling, golf, fishing, swimming, and sending E-mail. Also my 1985 Volvo and my 1990 Lincoln Continental.

    Mike Harper's Hobbies

    The Leper

    This was the picture that was here for a long time
    but Terry happened to clean out this homepage and deleted it from the directory so It no longer exist and won't display here any more. So a picture from the 24th Montly picnic is display in it's place.


    Mikey and Mickey

    Mike, Ron, Nancy, Chris, Una, Cam, and Betty

    The Bowler
    The Golfer
    The Ham
    The Fisherman
    The American Indian
    The Conventioneer



    This Homepage established 12 Jul 97 using Geocities file_manager


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