(MY photo JPG format) Salim S. Chebli
Student MBA Management

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Salim Chebli's Home Page

Welcome to my Home Page,

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Pope's Historical Visit to Lebanon

Hello everyone, and welcome to my country Lebanon.

Welcome to the Best Lebanese Web Directory Site


Visit Lebanon in Pictures

To all Lebanese Emigrants, you may want to check the Ministry of Emigrants site.

My name is Salim Chebli and I am 25 years old. I graduated from Université Saint-Joseph in Beirut in July after a 4 Year study in Business and Finance. I have also an MBA graduate from Ecole Supérieure des Affaires (ESA) in Beirut, wich is a French Business School. (Ecole Superieure des Affaires (ESA) )

This site is in the meantime a Directory to Lebanese sites on the Web. Its aim is to promote business and tourism in my country Lebanon, and to help you know it better.

If there something that I missed and you think that it is important to show, feel free to send me an email

Business. Tourism. Politics. News. Culture. Personnal HomePages. This Weeks New Links. Other. Organizations. Internet Providers. Lebanese Embassies.

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This page was honored by visitors, since 17 January 1997

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Last update January 17, 2000.

If you have any comments, please send me an email.

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Visit my other page: salim's third web page

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