
Low Country Chapter

American Guild of Organists

Founded in 1999

Serving southeastern South Carolina

Snail Mail address: 5915 N. Okatie Hwy, Lot 62, Ridgeland, SC 29936-8269 ~ Telephone: 888.840.0152

E-mail address: lowcountryago@yahoo.com

For a copy of the Chapter Membership Form, Salary Guidelines, etc, click on a link below. All are in Adobe 'pdf' format.

Membership Form

AGO Salary Guideline

How To Calculate Your Time & Salary

Download a FREE copy of the Adobe Reader

Low County Chapter Recommended Fees


2nd Friday MUSIC AT NOON

Presented the 2nd Friday of each month at

Holy Family Catholic Church, 24 Pope Avenue (south of Sea Pines circle), Hilton Head Island 29928

Come hear members & friends on the 4-manual (keyboard) PIPE ORGAN in a fantastic musical acoustic!

Free and open to the public.

Click HERE to see a list of dates and performers

Click HERE to view chapter programs

Chapter Officers 2007-2009


W. Raymond Ackerman

Sub Dean

Jonathan Davis


Gilbert G. Campbell


Arthur E. Perry


Charles D. Frost
(Click on a name to send an e-mail.)


Rev. Ralph Fleming

Only titles in bold print and underlined are links to another page.

Hilton Head Island & Bluffton Area Churches

 All Saints Episcopal Church

Island Lutheran Church [Missouri Synod Congregation] 

Bluffton United Methodist Church

Lord of Life Lutheran Church

Campbell Chapel African Methodist Episcopal

LowCountry Community Church

Christ Lutheran Church [ELCA]

Low Country Presbyterian Church

Christian Science Society USA

North Island Baptist Church

Church of the Cross Episcopal

Okatie Presbyterian Church [PCA]

 Church of the Palms UMC

 Providence Presbyterian Church 

Congregation Beth Yam 

 St. Andrew ByThe Sea UMC 

First Baptist Church Bluffton

St. Francis by the Sea Catholic Church 

First Presbyterian Church Hilton Head Island

St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church  

 Grace Community Church

St. Luke's Episcopal Church  

 Harbor Christian Community Church

 Unitarian Fellowship of HHI 

Hilton Head Seventh-day Adventist 

Unity Church HHI 

Hilton Head Presbyterian Church PCA 

The Harbor Christian Community Church, Bluffton

Holy Family Catholic Church

 First Baptist Hilton Head

Live Oak Christian Church

New Horizons Christian Center

Holy Resurrection Greek Orthodox Church HHI


Beaufort and Other Area Churches

Sea Island Presbyterian Church

 Mepkin Abbey, Moncks Corner SC

St. Helena's Episcopal Church 

St. Peter's Catholic - Beaufort  

St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church

The Baptist Church of Beaufort 

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Beaufort


Music Publishers

Bayside Press (organ music)

Hope Publishing Co

 Transcontinental (Jewish) Music

Calvin Taylor Music (Spirituals, etc)

J W Pepper Music Inc.

Wolfmusic Publications

Cantica Nova Music Company

Links to Publishers Worldwide

St. James Music Press 

E. C. Schirmer, Galaxy, Ione, Highgate, ARSIS

Music Publishers Directory

Sonare Publications 

Frog Music Press [MIDI music]

Royal School of Church Music Online Shop

 Sheet Music Plus

 G. Schimer & Associated MusicPublishers

GIA Publications

 Selah Publishing Co

Hinshaw Music Company 



Music Stores and Free Music Sites

Brodt Music - Charlotte NC

DaCapo Used Music cheap!

Music for Church Choirs

Choral Music for Sale / Sheet Music Plus

Joseph Mason, Bookseller

 Musical-Arts Store

Contemporary Music Centre in Ireland

Lois Fyfe Music

 A Free Sheet Music Archive

Organ Builders

AIOB - American Institute of Organ Builders

Allen Organs

Organ Clearing House

APOBA - The Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America

Bach Organ.com

Rodgers Organs 

Tadlock & Associates

Hammond Organs

Coulter Organs 

Organ Links

 AGO Organ Library - Boston Chapter AGO

Encyclopedia of Organ Stops


American Theater Organ Society - ATOS

Methuen Memorial Music Hall, Methuen MA 

Public Radio International

Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ

Musical Instrumentss Technicians Association

The Wanamaker Organ in Philadelphia PA

 Crystal Cathedral, Garden Grove CA

Organ Historical Society

The Church Organ Trader 

Denominational Main/Head Offices

Alliance of Baptists

Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina

Southern Baptist Convention

American Baptist Church

Lutheran Church ELCA

United Church of Christ

Church of England (Anglican)

 Lutheran Church LCMS 

The Vatican - The Holy See - in English

Diocese of Charleston SC

United Methodist Church

 Episcopal Church USA

Denominational and Other Music Organizations

The Alban Institute

 Fellowship Of UMC In Music and Worship Arts

Anglican & Episcopal Church Music 

Moravian Church in America

Association of Anglican / Episcopal Musicians Online

National Association of Pastoral Musicians / RC

Association of Lutheran Church Musicians ALCM

New England Pastoral Institute

Congregational Resources

Presbyterian Association of Musicians - PCUSA

Fellowship of American Baptist Musicians

Reformed Church in America

Links to other area AGO Chapters

AGO Headquarters








Choral Links

American Choral Directors Association

 The Gregorian Association (London, England)

Royal School of Church Music in America 

Choirsters Guild

 Hilton Head Choral Society

The Choral Public Domain Library 

Chorus America

 International Database of Choral Repetoire

Innovative Learning for Choral Singers

Hymn Sites

Hymn Site

Hymn Society of America & Canada

Over 4,100 Christian & Gospel songs info, lyrics, etc.


 Lutheran Hymnals Online


'Other' Musical Links

A Directory of Composers for Organ

Hector Olivera

 Sibelius Music Notation Program

The British Library - UK's research library

Hilton Head Choral Society

Spoleto Festival USA in Charleston SC

Church Music Explosion - Coral Ridge FL

Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra

Sonare Recordings 

Classical Composers Database

Music, Arts, and Entertainment

Finale Music Notation Program 

Felix Hell (home page) 

National Public Radio

WSVH Savannah Public Radio

 Free Scores

Piccolo Spoleto Festival USA in Charleston

Public Radio International 

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

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This site; (c)2009 Low Country Chapter AGO

and maintained by Ray Ackerman

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Updated on 20 February 2009