Valley View Class of '79 Reunion


Pictures of the 25-year reunion at the Florentine (Oct. 2004)
Pictures of the 25-year reunion at the picnic (Oct. 2004)
20-year post-reunion message (2000)

Pictures of the 20-year reunion (2000)


Revised: 11/24/04







Post-Reunion Message

 Well, the reunion was a great success! I apologize that I've taken so long to update this site for a "Post-Reunion" message, but I'm sure you'll all understand me when I say I've been SWAMPED. Anyway, I'd like to thank all of you for the Thank You card and the gift certificate for The Florentine. Additionally, I'd like to thank Linda Lee Rahn for the beautiful gift baskets. Linda, that was so very thoughtful of you. I wondered what those extra baskets were for (Duh!) and regret that my husband and I made the trek on deck just before you presented them. And, Meghan Young, I'd like to thank you for the special thing you did which will be between us. Each reunion you offer such support and encouragement and it is so appreciated. Last of all, thank you Sherrie Riegel Weiss for hanging in there with me to the end. The reunion couldn't have happened without the help, encouragement and counseling you provided. I think we made a great team and we did a great job in keeping each other sane to the end. You're the BEST!

I am hoping (hoping is the keyword here!) to create a class directory to eventually mail out to all we have addresses for. But I want to be sensitive to only publish information that is already in the public domain or that which has permitted for publication by each classmate. With that in mind, I may be contacting classmates by e-mail, phone or letter to obtain permission. I've already started adjusting my database and will be tagging names permitted for publication. This may take some time but I encourage all of you to prod me along every now and then.

Lastly, check out the link below to see pictures of the Dinner Cruise evening. I'm anxious to have more pictures to display but I will need all of you to send me pictures since I remembered everything but my camera that night. Thank you, Joyce Johnson Marshall for the pictures you sent which have the honor of being the first ones displayed.

Take care all and keep in touch! Susan Shirley Phillabaum

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Stay tuned for upcoming 25-year reunion info!