in April:
Linda and Chris's Travel Notes

We hope
you enjoy this web page, whether you're planning a trip yourself, or just
want to indulge in a little "armchair travel" by viewing our photos and
Some disclaimers:
-- First, I have never created a website before, and have never had any HTML instruction. Some bad links and horrendously slow-loading pictures are the result of my learning on the fly. At least on my computer, some pictures pop up immediately, while others are slow or (falsely) show up as broken links. If this happens and you really want to see the picture, hit your "reload" button and wait. Sorry!
-- Second, everybody has their own likes and dislikes, impressions and opinions. These are ours; we don't expect everyone to agree. And, as a blanket statement, my grumbles about the weather and other setbacks are minor quibbles: Britain is a unique and wonderful place and we can't wait to go back.
We'd love to hear from you if you have any questions or comments... email us at candl305@netzero.net.
We traveled to England March 31-April 14, 2000. With
the exception of one day in London, we spent our time in the beautiful
English countryside. On this web page you can see our pictures and
find out about our visits to:
Towns and villages
Country houses and castles
Great places for walking
Churches and cathedrals
William Morris-related sites
Jane Austen-related sites
We also have information about trip logistics, including where
we stayed, how we got around, etc.
This page is under construction... please check
back soon to see the rest if you're interested! Thanks for looking!
Last updated: May 1, 2000