Welcome to
Heleni Marques Pedersoli's Homepage!

Welcome! Here you will find some information about me, about my life as a librarian, a Secular Franciscan, an active member of Partners of the Americas, about my community, my family, and my interests in art, literature, music and religion. Send me any comments at the e-mail address below. Thank you for visiting!
Peace and all good to you!
Arts & Humanities Librarian for Western European Languages & Literatures & Latin American Studies

Western European Studies Section -- ALA/ACRL

ACRL/WESS at the Frankfurt Bookfair -- IBLC Forum 2001

September 7, 2004 --The World Mourns the Young Martyrs of Beslan
September 11,2001 --Thank You!-- The World Mourns -- collection of photographs at Ars Technica

Secular Franciscan Order -- Saint Margaret of Cortona Region

Latin American Studies Center

Maryland-Rio de Janeiro Partners of the Americas

Visit our coffee farm in Caparaó, Minas Gerais, Brazil and have a cafezinho!
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Questions & Comments

Last update 06/13/2005