Thomas V. Cabantac, founder and director has indeed brought this ensemble to a  level which   can capture the hearts of both the young and the old. He believes that   the music of  the choir   should not be confined only in concert halls, cathedrals and churches,auditorium and schools. Thus, he brought the ensemble to perform also  in the homes for the aged, convalescent homes, hospitals, and prisons. According  to him, the music of the choir should know no bounds, except to those who refuse to keep still and listen. It should transcend racial and human differences and discrimination; and should illumine an adamant and apathetic soul to hum its slumbering tunes again. After all, is  not music the language of the soul?

Check out these links:

Journal L'Asace
Montreux Choral Festival
Morges Culture Presente
Chor'94 Chronik
Geistliche Abendmusik
Zuercher Unterlaender
The Manila Vocal Ensemble is composed of eight to twelve students and professionals whose objectives are: to promote the Filipino culture in songs and dances; to promote Filipino performing art of world-renowned music; to share God's peace and love through music; and to provide voice and academic scholarship to the members in their chosen field of study.

The Manila Vocal Ensemble has launched three world and sixteen European concert tours since its founding on May 6, 1982 at YMCA, Manila. During these tours, the ensemble represented the Philippines in various international festivals in Austria, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, England, Wales, and the United States.It also performed for the Diplomatic Corps of the countries it visited. countless international press reviews have been continuously received by the choir. All of which have the same comment: "you can hear from this fantastic and formidable small choir a vocal texture that could not be heard from even the bigger choirs. Its interpretation and style do not only appeal to the heart, but also to the intellect." Hence, a standing ovation has been a common response by its enthusiastic and grateful audiences.
Wherever and whoever the ensemble performs for, the same quality of performance is given  - professional. Thus, the choir has never ceased receiving invitations from all over the world every year.
Since 1991, the choir has added to its repertoire Philippine tribal dances using authentic costumes and instruments, a move which further enthralled local and international audiences.
In this regard, Manila Vocal Ensemble believes that its noble endeavor for the Filipino people and the world has time and again been reaching its goals. All this ascribed to God who blesses and makes the impossible possible for the choir.

        MVE in Feudingen, Germany

   mve at Harmonie Festival 93
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