Welcome to Dr. Chao-Hong LIU's Homepage
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Search the Bible in
nine languages and multiple Bible Versions.
(Blue Letter
The Blue Letter Bible now has over
1,100,000 links from the Word of God to over 85,000 pages of concordances,
lexicons, dictionaries, and commentaries! Enjoy!
(Our Daily
Bread) since 1956
For personal and family devotions.
Search, news, index, box office, award
winners, . . . etc.
This site houses an
extensive archive of thousands of texts to Kunstlieder and other `classical' art
songs in more than twenty languages. It was created and designed in 1995 by
Emily Ezust, and is offered as a non-commercial and non-profit public service.
(The Dead Conductors Page)
Biographies and discographies of the
romantic conductors of the golden age of the 78 rpm and long playing records.
You'll find a few live ones here, too.
Bruno Walter in concert
(Universal Music Group,
Including A&M, Geffen, MCA, Universal,
Interscope, Mercury, Island, Polydor, Motown and Def Jam; country music's MCA
Nashville and Mercury Nashville; jazz's Verve, GRP and Impulse!; and classical's
DECCA, PHILIPS and Deutsche Grammophon.
Including Deutsche Grammophon, PHILIPS and DECCA
and their sublabels such as Mercury, POINT, and Gimell.
catalogue, news, search, . . . .
Artists, news,
search, . . . .
Including BMG,
RCA, DHM, Melodiya, Arte Nova, and Wicklow labels.
(Barnes &
Books, music,
software, magazines, prints and posters.
Pick up all kinds of beautiful wall papers
Vincent Van Gogh: Douze Tournesols dabs un Vase
Claude Monet: The Woman in the Garden
Pierre Auguste Cot: The Storm
Stop by and have a seat.
National Opera House in the Morning Sun
(Last updated: May 18, 2005)