Hiya. Sick of sites about how sexy and cool ORGY is? (I mean who doesn't know that??!) Well this site was started by 2 bored people who
want to give respect to the sexy Orgy FANS we've seen out
there! We're Jessie and Eric and every week we'll be
putting up a sexy Orgy lover on our page. The rules: you can
be guy or girl (that's why we have a guy AND a girl running
this page!) you must love Orgy and you must be damn sexy!!! You
must have an Orgy webpage and you must have a real sexy picture of you
that we can use!! For now we're gonna put up yummy ORGY fans we
find ourselves but once the page gets more exposed, if you/your
friend fit the rules, then e-mail us
your/their sexy picture, and Orgy webpage adress!! If we think
you're sexy or cute enough we'll put you up and hey, you'll get
a nifty award too! Now doesn't that sound good??
New!~Added a section on ourselvez! Meet Eric And Jess
If you've been on this page, grab this nifty award and put it on
your page proudly!!! Remember to link back here if your a
winner! :0P~~
Oh my God! This godess decided to give us her award for being original!! Thanks soooooo much Hellebelle! We aren't worthy!!! ;0D
Wow we got ANOTHER cool award!!!! Thanx Audrey, youre awesome!!!