Sonathan's Jew Nite!
Yes, this is my site and yes that is a picture of me taken a couple days ago. Terrible yes I know, I can take a better and more recent one soon but I don't have a camera at the moment so oh well, you are just going to have to hear to this one. Um...I'm working on some other pages to be added to my site in the future coming so, come by and check every once in a while. Right now, you can go and see my "thought" page I guess about a song written by Michael W. Smith!!! Click on thought to go there. Sign the guestbook too when you leave K, cool, later. :) OH!!! Try to figure out what I have done with the title of the page and if you guess right, I will give you a hero cookie haha!
Ok, Click on the image to the left to see pictures of some of my friends. If your picture is not there, don't get worried because I just don't have a picture of you either because I haven't taken one yet or because you don't want one which is unfortunate because I've been blessed with such great friends, I want everyone to know that I know you you, ya...some of them, well most of them are old, like a few months old but I'll try to get more updated ones Ok, ok, cool.
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