WelComE tO My hOmEpAgE

Welcome to my homepage, a link for me to keep in touch with family and friends back home in Singapore, or anywhere else in the world. The links below will bring you to what you want to see. Nothing fanciful here....no time to create.....too busy.......studying or otherwise.....haha.

Tow Chew Choy Andrew
BSc(Hons) CIS Student (2nd Year)
Computing and Information Systems
Faculty of Science
School of Computer Science and Information Technology
University of Nottingham

Send letters, postcards, parcels to:                                Contact Details:

TOW Chew Choy                                                            Room No: 44 870 012 1472
Sherwood Hall                                                                 H/P No   : 44 777 593 1287
University Park                                                                while in UK
University of Nottingham                                                 Room No: 0870 012 1472
Nottingham                                                                      H/P No   : 0777 593 1287
United Kingdom                                                               Email: andtcc@pacific.net.sg
NG7 2RA                                                                                    (preferred)

My Societies @ UoN

JAMSoc (Joint Anglican & Methodist Scoiety)
MSS (Malaysian-Singaporean Society)
PhotoSoc (Photographic Society)
Community Action (???? Sleeping Member: didn't even remember joining until they sent me a newsletter)

G525 CIS Course Details

LINKSor an excuse to get away !!

An Associate of YM Grp <°))))><
Last updated 23 Jan. 2001