The Miseducation of Colorguard

How many times has someone asked you..... "Do you do any extracurricular activates?" So your first reaction (being the guardoholic that you are) is to yell out something along the lines of "Yeah... auxiliary and/or winterguard", so they (being ignorant one) says "What is that?" And you (the enlighten one) reply "Colorguard". "Ohhh.... your in JROTC!"

So you think to yourself, "What the heck is wrong with you man, I mean all JROTC do is march, they don't go threw the pain we do." "We at less deserve a name." "Do you know what i am talking about?" "If not than you are a few trees short of a forest, come on it is plain as day, do JROTC look like this....

Do they start off like this.....?

Do they use emotion like this.....

And you cant forget to support your sibblings.....

Do JROTC compete in this.....

Let alone this.....

I think not.....

Get my drift..... Good so bring on the colorguard gallery and if not.....

Still bring on the colorguard gallery....."
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