Mush the Musician
Mush the Organbuilder
Mush the Software Engineer
"I may not be a first rate programmer, but I'm a damn good second rate one."Design, write and develop professional software: GUI, Client/Server, fully distributted, clustered servers, real-time embedded communications, mainframe interfaces, data feeds, data integration interfaces, transactional database services, minning and OLAP in C, C++, C#, MFCs, SDK32, WPF, OLE2, STL, ActiveX, ATL, COM, VB, OWL, VCL, CICS/Cobol2, PERL, AWK, Tk, JavaScript, SQL92, PLSQL, TSQL, MDX, LINQ, PV-Wave, X11 OSF/Intrinsic/Motif X-Windows on 64 bit UNIX, WinNT/2K/03/XP/08, DOS and .NET with C-Tree, Sybase, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server and MySQL.
- Software Dynamics Inc. - multi-branch bank teller and sales platform systems.
- Signal Bank, Wooster, Ohio
First Merit, Cleveland, Ohio
MBNA, Wilmington, Delaware
St. Francis Bank, Brookfield, Wi
Advantage Bank, Cleveland, Ohio
Liberty Savings Bank, Wilmington, Ohio
Fullerton Savings and Loan, Fullerton, Ca
Watertown Savings Bank, Watertown, Ma
Roosevelt Savings Bank, Garden City, NY
First Northern Savings Bank, Green Bay, Wi
Mt. McKinley Mutual Savings Bank, Fairbanks, Ak
Sunshine State federal Savings & Loan Assoc., Plant City, Fl
Huntington Valley Federal Savings Bank, Huntington Valley, Pa
- Kimley-Horn and Associates - Intelligent Transportation Systems.
- Arizona Departmant of Transportation Freeway Management System
Tallahassee Advanced Transportation Management System
- ******* ******* - equity data delivery, analytics and valuation modeling systems.
- Hundreds of institutional investment firms including: mutual funds, national and regional brokerage firms, insurance companies, corporate and state pension funds, trust and endowment funds, investment banking firms and corporations.
Mush the Musician
Student of Dr Samuel John Swartz, Dr Elenor Hammer, Dr. Howard Barr, Loretta Sellers and Walter Freed.
Professional organist on tracker action pipe organs, electro-pneumatic symphonic pipe organs and digital organs in the early, baroque, romantic, modern and avant-garde styles.
- Concerts
- (Phoenix)Valley Chamber Chorale, (LA)Valley Master Chorale, Pacific Chorale, San Fernando Symphony Orchestra, Glendale Symphony Orchestra, Pacific Symphony Orchestra, Pasadena Symphony Orchestra, Los Angeles Concert Orchestra, California State University Northridge Orchestra, Orange County Performing Arts Center, Hollywood Bowl, Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, PBS Television
- Organist
- Our Lady of Quito, Phoenix, Az
Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church, Mesa, Az
Augustana Lutheran Church, Phoenix, Az
St. Andrew and Charles, Granada Hills, Ca
St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Glendale, Ca
Grandview Presbyterian Church, Glendale, Ca
Our Mother of Good Counsel, Los Angeles, Ca
Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church, Chatsworth, Ca
Emmanuel Lutheran Church, North Hollywood, Ca
Episcopal Church of Transfiguration, Arcadia, Ca
St. Augustine Catholic Church, Culver City, Ca
1st Methodist Church of North Hollywood, Ca
41st Church of Christ Scientist, Monrovia, Ca
44st Church of Christ Scientist, Reseda, Ca
Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Atwater, Ca
1st Unitarian Church of Santa Monica, Ca
Grace Lutheran Church, Covina, Ca
Faith Baptist Church, Sunland, Ca
Mush the Organbuilder
Design and build, new and additions to, tracker action and electro-pneumatic symphonic pipe organs. Specialist in windchest building, pipe voicing, digital actions and MIDI.
- While building organs at Rosales Organ Builders Inc:
- University Methodest, San Antonio, Tx
1st Presbyterian of Oakland, Ca
- Organs for Robert David and Associates:
- 1st Congregational church of Los Angeles, Ca
Episcopal Church of the Messiah, Santa Ana, Ca
St. Victor's Catholic, West Hollywood, Ca
Westminster Presbyterian of Pasadena, Ca
St. Columban Church, Garden Grove, Ca
St. John’s Episcopal, Los Angeles, Ca
St. Genivieve, Sun Valley, Ca
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