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Welcome to the official Website of

Jammin' Jelly

Update!!  Ballz here ...Apparently people have been visiting this page (shockingly enough) all this time and I thought an update was deserved.  Jammin' Jelly was 3 1/2 years ago, believe it or not, my senior year in high school.  Although JJ was tons of fun and a big success, it never lasted beyond the first "album" (if you want to call it that).  We have all moved on:

Wings:  just finished freshman year in psychology at Mount Union College
Roids:  my Akron U homey...he just finished his sophomore year
Ballz:  I'm now a biology student of all things at Akron U...should graduate next spring
Wiggy:  just finished his freshman year in biology at Case Western University
Judo:  Akron U student in engineering...doing internships now
Daddy Longlegs:  still trying to figure out what to do at Kent has afro!
Puck:  about to graduate (wow)
Rak:  about to graduate at go to Syracuse

Well if you have any questions or comments about JJ go ahead and email us at or you can also email me at

You can also check out my website!

Peace out!




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--Always under construction--

"Wow.  Just when I thought that civilization couldn't get any lower, I saw
this.  I cried myself to sleep.  Really.  Is something wrong with the water
in Stow or what?  I pray everyday that you guys will someday become normal,
functioning members of society."
                                    ----Erik Justen

Who are we?
Jammin Jelly is comprised of the eight members of the Stow High School Wind Ensemble percussion section along with special guests and visitors.

What do we do?
Jammin Jelly is a musical ensemble of sorts and also a community organization of sorts.  While in the studio (band room) we kick up and record phat jams and explore the boundaries of freestyle improvised jamming.  We use a large variety of styles such as metal jams, china jams, vocal jams, soul jams, etc.

On the road, Jammin Jelly becomes a community entertainment engine.  We take part in countless acts of frivelous nonsense such as launching Jammin Jelly chinese fire drills, terrorizing drive-thru clerks and being rowdy in general.

Our last main mission is exploration of digital recording and editing.  We record our jams and hi-jinx using a Sony mini-disc recorder and then edit them via computer.  We are currently preparing to release our first CD this Spring at the Stow High School Bands Spring Concert.

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jammin' jelly official permanent members:
(code names used to protect the innocent)

Wings: jammer, triangle specialist
Roids: jammer, temple block specialist, body-guard
Ballz: jammer, metals specialist, recording, editing
Wiggy: jammer, boomin' bass specialist
Judo: jammer, cymbal center specialist, editing
Daddy Longlegs:  jammer, bass specialist, thinktank
Puck: jammer, multi-purpose specialist
Rak: jammer, bass/tom/china mallet specialist

jammin' jelly founders, alumni:
Nato:  solo specialist (class of 98)
Brutus:  bass specialist, guard (class of 98)
Lil' Nen':  Ghetto bass specialist (class of 98)
Hi-fi:  bongo specialist (class of 97)
J-Ballz:  jamming pioneer (class of 96)
Lard Bal:  jamming pioneer (class of 96)

jammin' jelly official special guests:

all-beef patty

jammin' jellyassistants, crew, honorary members, benefactors and vip's:

Wee-Wee:  props for the minidisc inspiration...go Herb Albert!
All-Beef Patty: official Jammin Jelly photographer
Wolf-enstein 5-Y:  Jammin Jelly spectator, enthusiast
Big Guy: equipment owner/co-ordinator, administrator of "studio" (band room)
Duke Nukem: equipment and studio administrator
Hooferdick: cd recording services
K-Mac: dairy queen clerk, donator of sacred cup of Jammin Jelly

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Jammin Jelly multimedia files links:
sound files photos

cd information:

Jammin'  Jelly is currently working hard in the production of its first cd release.  Jammin Jelly has completed mastering its Cd and will begin burning copies soon.  Cds will go on sale at the Stow High School Bands Spring Concert in May.  The cd will include recordings of a large variety of jams plus hilarious moments in stores, drive-thrus, personal interviews, etc. in the search for Jammin' Jelly.  The cd is expected to cost 5.00 to purchase, and will help fund continued Jammin' Jelly projects.  In May an order form should be available on this site.  Anyone interested might drop us an e-mail line and include their location, etc.  Keep in mind, we are High School kids just starting out at this.

Some tracks on the cd include Peanuts Jam, China Jams, Blooper Jams, The search for Jammin' Jelly, Brian Monroe Jam, Metals Jams, and and more...25 tracks of fun!!!
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Jammin' Jelly's Fantastic true stories page:

Want to hear some true storied of classic Jammin' Jelly hi-jinx?  Visit our page of stories.


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Jammin' Jelly's store: 

The Jammin' Jelly store simply contains links to and specific products.  This is purely optional, but if you do decide to visit and check out or buy any of our recommended products, or any other products, it will benefit Jammin' Jelly greatly.  We have included recommended books, videos, and cds.  If you find this solicitation irritating, just ignore it, but next time you are thinking of buying one of these items online, please just grab the link from our website to help us out!

We understand if you don't buy cd's...after all we have a minidisc recorder!  That's not to imply that we would ever dare to infringe copyright laws.  Check out our page and see what music a videos we recommend!

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make contact with jammin' jelly

e-mail jammin' jelly!
please email us with questions, comments, suggestions, etc...


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