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Later Schubert was required to teach at his father's school, which he hated. He did, however, manage to compose many pieces while working there. He began working on the art song because of his love for poetry. At 17 Schubert composed his first great song, 'Gretchen am Spinnrade' (Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel). The coming year he composed 143 songs. At 19 he composed 179 pieces including symphonies, a mass, and an opera. At 21 he gave up teaching to concentrate entirely on music. He often lived with friends because he could not afford to pay for his own rent.
At 25 Schubert acquired venereal disease, causing him to become depressed. He applied for several musical positions but did not receive them. The publication of some of his compositions brought some recognition but his greatest symphonies were not performed in his lifetime (Unfinished and Great C major).
At 31 Schubert died of syphilis in 1828. His reputation was only that of a fine song composer until the Unfinished Symphony was performed. After which Schubert received the recognition of greatness.
7 symphonies
7 masses
3 operas
16 string quartets
600+ songs
Many instrumental & choral works
His Compositions:
German Dance No.1
Hagars Klage (Hagar's Lament)
Der Vatermorder (The Patricide)
Klaglied (Lament)
Verklarung (Transfiguration)
(1st opera)Des Terfels Lustschloss (The Devil's Pleasure Castle)
1st mass in F major
Gretchen am Spinnrade (Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel)
2nd/3rd Symphonies
Mass in G
Mass in B flat major
Erlkonig (Erl King)
Symphony in C minor (Tragic Symphony)
An mein Clavier (To my piano)
Gruppe aus dem Tartarus (Scene out of Hell)
Die Forelle (The Trout)
An die Musik (To Music)
An den Mond ( To the Moon)
Stimme der Liebe (Voice of Love)
An die Entfernte
Fruhlingsglaube (Belief in Spring)
Die Zauberharfe (The magic harp)
Twenty-third Psalm
Versunken (Absorbed)
Im Walde (In the Forest)
Unfinished Symphony
Mass in A flat
Rosamunde (Ballet)
Viole (Violet)
Vergissmeinnicht (Forget-me-not)
Octet & Songs from Sir Walter Scott
Auflosung ( Dissolution)
Piano Sonata in A minor
Die Allmacht (The Almighty)
String Quintet in C
Fulle der Liebe (Fullness of Love)
Tiefes Lird (Deep Sorrow)
An Silvia (Who is Sylvia?)
Die Winterreise (Winter Journey)
'Great' C major symphony
Piano Trio in E flat
7th symphony in C major
Mass in E flat major
String Quintet in C major
Ave Maria
"Unfinished Symphony"; Symphony No.8 in B Minor, 2nd movement
Ballet Music in G, from "Rosamunde"
Above: The instruments of a string quartet; (left to right) Violin (2), viola, cello
Left: Piano; See above for VIOLIN
Left: Bass; See above for Piano and other strings
Above (from left to right) Clarinets: B flat, Alto; Flutes: Piccolo, 13-hole flute; Oboes: standard oboe, English horn, Oboe d'amore; Tenor Saxophone; Bassoon: bassoon, double bassoon; See above for STRINGS
The secrets behind Franz Schubert
"I have come into the world for no other purpose but to compose"
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