Welcome to my photo gallery

Say cheese!

I freely admit that I am camera happy. I've been clicking pictures ever since I got my first 110 camera for Christmas when I was 15. Since then I have upgraded to a fujifilm camera with zoom lens. I am pretty happy with it (it's easy for a dummy like me to use), but I am beginning to think that a panoramic feature would be a nice thing to have. ANd then of course, there's the all-important question, to go digital, or not to go digital. Maybe one day.

Anyway, on this page you will find pictures taken of various special moments in my life. I am a big Rockapella fan so you'll find a lot of concert pictures here. Also vacation pix, theatre pix, basically whatever I think looks good enough to put on the web.

If you want to use any of my pictures, I have no problem with it, but ask me first and be sure to credit me. I'd also love to hear from you if you just want to comment on the pix or chit chat. So...

Tell me what you think

So here are the contents of the page:


Here you will find pictures of all the concerts I have been to, with Rockapella at the forefront.

Broadway CATS:

Right up there with Rockapella on the list of things I love obsessively is the musical Cats. Here are pictures from my trips to see the show on Broadway.

CATS Abroad:

When Cats closed on Broadway I had to travel a little farther to satisfy my withdrawal symptoms, and here are pictures from the trips.


These are pictures of me in the various roles I have played in our community theatre.


These are some of my vacation pictures, plus some that don't seem to fit elsewhere.

Ren Faire:

I love dressing up in period costume and visiting the Virginia Renaissance Faire. Here are some of the things I've seen.


A collection of some of my best pix of my favourite furry companions.

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