>>Welcome To 98°'s Heaven<<

Thanks for coming down to my homepage!
This page is dedicated to the amazingly gorgeous guys of 98°, the people who's involved in making them so phat, and all the fans .. So if you just happen to dislike them for some reasons which is none of me and the fan's concern, get out of here!
And yeah, to the fans of 98°, keep supporting them and make them NO. 1! Call all your radio stations and music channels and ask for their songs! Buy their singles and albums in your record stores..
Remember, make 1998 the year for 98° !
~Keep 'em HOT!~

Anyway, just to inform you guys..this page won't go through any major changes for the whole month of April and maybe May! Cos I'm kinda stucked with school and work!!! Well, u can mail me though!


Please inform me of any broken links or any typos mistakes!
If some of the pics are not workin, try to reload/refresh your browser!
Last updated on 11 April 1998..
Keep coming for future updates!


~Ways to reach me~

Just email me at _98degrees_@yahoo.com
Add me to your ICQ list- My number's 7360473
Or maybe sometimes I'm on the 98°'s chat room found on my homepage. (my handle's frenzy2412)

*Anyway, I'm Salina from Singapore*

Visit my 5ive website..your gonna love them too!

Till here! Remember to make 1998 a sizzling year for 98°!

(If Any!)

What up is that I may start this section called "98° & Me!".
The aim of this section is for fans to send in pictures of them with 98° themselves.. So if there are ANY entries, I will work on it, but if there is none, I'll just pass the idea..so start to e-mail me now with the subject as "98° & Me!"

As many as 98°'s fan has sizzled thru' this site since
1st April 1998!

I have no connections with Nick Lachey , Drew Lachey , Jeff Timmons , Justin Jeffre, Paris D'Jon , Polygram Records Singapore , Motown records or any authorised party. Please do not send me any direct emails to 98 Degrees.
Please inform me through email any misunderstandings or unhappiness associated with the stuffs I have up in the 98 Degrees's Heaven.

98° Fan Club
98° MUSIC, INC. P.O Box 31379
Ohio 45231

Go to The Official 98° Website for more information.

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Email Salina: _98degrees_@yahoo.com

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