I'm Yuval Shay-El |
Welcome to my homepage
My interests are:
music composition, jazz, scientific research, forecasting, climate, traveling, and more....
This site looks a bit out fashioned, doen't it?
Well, it hasn't changed much in style in the last 10 years since I started it in 1997 as a fun exercise in the then new "html" language. Now html is not enough for making a nifty site.
Nevertheless, this site still gives the basic information about myself in a "traditional" style (ha ha).
You can also find me on
Enjoy :-)
You are most welcome to email me at yuvalshayel@gmail.com
Follow this link for more
details about my CDs.
A little bit about myself
I was born in Israel in 1963. I am married to Tamar and father to Amit. My parents are Joseph (Sepi) and Drora. I have 2 sisters, older than me, Orly and Roni, and 5 nephews and nieces,
Or, Zohar and Nogga Shachar (Orly's children), and Alon and Gili Barth
(Roni's children).
I grew up in the town of Ramat-Gan, and studied at Nizanim school, and
one year at Ohel-Shem high school. When I was 15 we moved to Haifa, where
I studied at Hugim high-school. I came back to Ramat-Gan when I was 21,
and have lived there since, except for 2 years in which I lived in Boston,
I started to play trumpet and piano when I was 10 years old. From 1982 to 1987 I studied composition with the late Israeli composer Harry Nadel. At the same time I studied Physics at the Technion Institute
of Technology in Haifa, and received my BA in 1984. I served in the
Israeli Air Force for almost 6 years (1984-1990) in the Meteorology unit.
During that time I received a master's degree in meteorology from Tel
Aviv University in 1990. See a list of my scientific
After the army I moved to Boston, to study music composition at Boston
University . I got my second master's degree, in music, in 1993. Charles
Fussell and Lukas Foss were my composition teachers. I also participated in the conducting class of Theodore Antoniou, and studied jazz piano with Jeff Covell (Berklee faculty). See a list of my recent
music works.
After returning to Israel I have continued my studies of meteorology,
at Tel Aviv University, and got the PhD title in 1999. Later I worked as the scientific manager of the Regional Center for NASA EOSDIS in
Israel and I was also partly employed as an investigator
at the Interdisciplinary Center for Technological Analysis and Forecasting
at Tel-Aviv University (see reports list).
Since December 2000 I worked at IMADENT, a startup company developing
medical ultrasound imaging devices. And since October 2003 I work at
Itamar Medical, a medical company developing a non-invasive device for early-stage detection of diseases, such as heart problems and sleep disorders.
I continue to compose, and my compositions are performed from time to time
by ensembles such as Musica Nova Consort. I also jam and gig with
several jazz bands and musicians, such as Atmos
Modern Times Quartet, Zoom Out Quintet, JaFu Quartet, Albert
Beger and more. Some sound
samples are available.
I like to travel, and I am happy that my work enables me to visit many places in the world :-)
Some photos are available at the Photo
Album page.
Read my introduction to concert about jazz influence on classical music (in Hebrew).
Some recent music works
(partial list)
Scores are available upon request from my address
Sonata for Violin and Piano, (2003). Manuscript.
Shir Hashirim (“Das Hohelied”, Heine, Tanny), for voice and piano (2003, 7 min). Manuscript. Recorded for a CD, 2003.
Suite for Piano, in six movements, (2003, 18 min). Manuscript.
Eight Easy Duets for Violin and Cello, (2003, 10 min). Manuscript. Recorded for a CD, 2003.
Sonatina, for trumpet and piano (1998, 7 min). Manuscript.
Prelude, for guitar solo (1997, 6 min). Manuscript.
Dialogue in Minor, for flute and contrabass (1997, 5 min).
Real Time, for clarinet solo (1996, 7 min). Manuscript. Premiered
on Nocturnal Concert ("Hitrachashut Layleet"), Ramat Hasharon.
Living the Past to the Future, arranged for violin, contrabass
and piano (1995, 20 min). Israeli Music Center, Tel Aviv. Performed on
the 1995-96 season of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Chamber Music
Club.listen 2nd movement (in realaudio)
Three Moods, for contrabass solo (1995, 17 min). Manuscript.
Tribal Dance, for flute solo (1995, 5 min). Manuscript.
Oboe and Clarinet, for oboe and clarinet (1995, 14 min).
Living the Past to the Future, for clarinet, violoncello
and piano (1994, 20 min). Israeli Music Center, Tel Aviv. Premiered by
Nova Consort.
Saxonata, for saxophone quartet (1994, 16 min). Israeli Music
Center, Tel Aviv.
Symphonic Journey, for symphonic orchestra (1993, 13min).
Israeli Music Center, Tel Aviv.
Neichar (Foreign Land), for chamber septet (1992, 10 min).
Israeli Music Center, Tel Aviv. Premiered by Boston University Chamber
Winds. Israeli premiere by Musica Nova Consort.
Time Energy, for wind quintet (1992, 10 min). Israeli Music
Center, Tel Aviv. Premiered by Boston University New Music Ensemble.
Three Poems by Robert Frost, for soprano and piano (1992,
10 min). Manuscript. Premiered on Yuval Shay-El, Composition Recital.
Impressions, for piano solo (1992, 10 min), Israeli Music
Center, Tel Aviv. Premiered on Yuval Shay-El, Composition Recital.
Concertino for Trombone and Percussion (1990, 12 min). Manuscript.
Sonata for Clarinet and Piano (1986, 10 min). Manuscript.
Broadcasted on Kol Hamusica.
Sonata-Fantasia, No. 2, for piano solo (1986, 10min). Manuscript.
Performed at Ein-Hod Artists' Village.
Scientific publications
Shay-El Y., P. Alpert and A. da Silva, 2000: Preliminary estimation of
horizontal fluxes of cloud liquid water in relation to subtropical moisture
budget studies employing ISCCP, SSMI and GEOS-1/DAS Data Sets. J. Geoph. Res.,105, 18067-18090. abstract
Shay-El Y., P. Alpert and A. da Silva, 1999: Applying
GEOS-1/DAS for Moisture Budget Calculations over the Sahara Desert
. 2nd International Conference on Reanalysys, WCRP, August 23-27,
Reading, UK.
Shay-El Y., P. Alpert and A. da Silva, 1999: Reassessment of the moisture
source over the Sahara Desert based on NASA reanalysis. J. Geoph. Res.,
104, 2015-2030. abstract
Shay-El Y., P. Alpert, Y. J. Kaufman, D. Tanre, A. da Silva, S. Schubert
and J. H. Joseph, 1999: "Lower-Tropospheric Response to Dust and Clouds
as Inferred from Analysis Updates of NASA/GEOS", Proceedings of the
International Conference and Workshops on the contribution of POLDER and
new generation spaceborne sensors to global change studies, CNES/ALPS99,
January 18-22, Meribel, France, Vol. 2, WK1&WK2-O-04 p.1-4.
Shay-El Y., P. Alpert and A. da Silva, 1999: Reassessment of the moisture
source over the Sahara Desert based on NASA reanalysis. Preprint, Supplementary
Collection, 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy
and Water Cycle, WCRP, June 16-19, Beijing, China, p. 8-9.
Shay-El Y., 1998: Aspects of the Hydrological Cycle and Assimilated
Datasets in the Subtropical Atmosphere. PhD Thesis, Submitted to the
Senate of Tel-Aviv University, September 1998, 173 pp.
Alpert P., Y. J. Kaufman, Y. Shay-El, D. Tanre, A. da Silva, S. Schubert,
and J. H. Joseph, 1998: Quantification of dust-forced heating of the lower
troposphere. Nature, 395, 367-370. abstract
Shay-El, Y., P. Alpert, Y. J. Kaufman, D. Tanre, A. da Silva, S. Schubert,
and J. H. Joseph, 1998: Dust Forcing of Climate Inferred from Correlations
between Dust Data and Model Errors. submitted to Tellus. (to the
special Rossby-100 Symposium issue).
Alpert P., Y. Shay-El, and A. da Silva, 1996: Evaluation of the GEOS-1
DAS reanalysis data over a mesoscale Mediterranean domain. Proceedings
of the 11th Conference on NWP, AMS, Aug. 19-23, Norfolk, VA, 183-185.
Alpert P., Y. Shay-El, and A. da Silva, 1996: Moisture sinks/sources over
the Mediterranean and Arabia/Iraqi desert. Preprint, 2nd International
Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, WCRP, June
17-21, Washington D.C., USA, 105-106.
Alpert P., Y. Shay-El, and E. Heifetz, 1995: A comment on the geostrophic
wind divergence, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 121, 227-228.
Alpert P., and Y. Shay-El, 1994: The moisture source for the winter cyclones
in the eastern Mediterranean. Israel Meteor. Res. Pap.,5,
Alpert P., and Y. Shay-El, 1993: The paradox of the winter net moisture
sink over Arabian-Iraqi desert, Annales Geophysicae, 11,
Shay-El Y., and P. Alpert, 1991: A diagnostic study of winter diabatic
heating in the Mediterranean in relation with cyclones, Quart. J. Roy.
Meteor. Soc., 117, 715-747.abstract
Shay-El Y., 1990: Dynamic Analysis of the Mediterranean Cyclones.
M.Sc. Thesis, Tel Aviv Univ., March 1990, 72 pp. (in Hebrew).
Alpert P., B. U. Neeman, and Y. Shay-El, 1990: Climatological analysis
of Mediterranean cyclones using ECMWF data, Tellus, 42A,
Alpert P., B. U. Neeman, and Y. Shay-El, 1990: Intermonthly variability
of cyclone tracks in the Mediterranean, J. Climate, 3, 1474-1478.
Alpert P., and Y. Shay-El, 1990: Role of diabatic sources in mesoscale
cyclones in the eastern Mediterranean, Preprints, Fourth Conference
of Mesoscale Processes, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boulder, 20-21.
Alpert P., B. U. Neeman, and Y. Shay-El, 1988: Some characteristics of
Mediterranean circulations, Preprints, Palmen Memorial Symposium on
Extratropical Cyclones, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Helsinki, 282-285.
Shay-El Y., A. Tal, and Y. Sharan, 2001: Assessing the Solar Energy Balance in the City of Tel Aviv-Yaffo. Report to the Belfer foundation and the Israel Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure , May 2001 (in Hebrew).
Hauptman A., Y. Shay-El, and E. Tapuchi, 1999: Cryogenic Cooling:
State-of-the-Art and Development Trends. Report to the Ministry
of Defense, Interdisciplinary Center for Technological Analysis and Forecasting,
March 1999 (in Hebrew).
Sokolov M., T. Sofer, A. Hauptman, M. Harel, and Y. Shay-El, 1999: ORT
- Hermelin College in Netanya: Registration Potential and Preferred Learning
Disciplines. January 1999 (in Hebrew).
Tapuhi E., and Y. Shay-El, 1998: Techno-economic evaluation of the uses
of phosphogypsum. Report to the Ministry of Environment, Interdisciplinary
Center for Technological Analysis and Forecasting, February 1998 (in Hebrew).
Raban Y., and Y. Shay-El, 1998: Options for municipal waste management
- Developing a methodology for Kfar Saba municipality. Report to the
Kfar Saba Municipality, Interdisciplinary Center for Technological Analysis
and Forecasting, May 1998 (in Hebrew).
Harel M., Y. Raban, E. Verdoner, and Y. Shay-El, 1997: Mobile Personal
Communication Services. Report to the Ministry of Communication, Interdisciplinary
Center for Technological Analysis and Forecasting, March 1997 (in Hebrew).
Raban Y., and Y. Shay-El, 1997: The obstructing factors for researchers
in the academy in collaborations with the industry in Israel. Report
to the Ministry of Science, Interdisciplinary Center for Technological
Analysis and Forecasting, April 1997 (in Hebrew).
Sokolov M., T. Sofer, Y. Shay-El, Y. Baal-Shem, and Y. Raban, 1996:
of the Israel education workers for 2005. Report to the Ministry of
Education, Culture, and Sports, Interdisciplinary Center for Technological
Analysis and Forecasting, May 1996 (in Hebrew).
Baal-Shem Y., Y. Raban, Y. Shay-El, V. Lev, V. Shacham, and B. Schwartz,
1996: Cross impact analysis between sectors in the technological forecast
of the electricity demand. Report to the Israel Electricity Company,
Interdisciplinary Center for Technological Analysis and Forecasting, May
1996 (in Hebrew).
Shay-El Y., and A. Tal, 1994: Monitoring absorbed energy in the salt
pans of the Dead Sea Works. Proprietary report to the Dead Sea Works,
Interdisciplinary Center for Technological Analysis and Forecasting, May
1994, 46 pp. (in Hebrew).
Tal A., and Y. Shay-El, 1994: Use of TIROS/AVHRR for thermal monitoring
of the Dead Sea Works evaporation pans. Proprietary report to the Dead
Sea Works, Interdisciplinary Center for Technological Analysis and Forecasting,
August 1994 (in Hebrew).
My address
Dr. Yuval Shay-El
Tzel Hagivah 4/5
Ramat Gan, 52374
Tel: 972-3-5741634; Cell: 972-545-301307
Dr. Yuval Shay-El
Itamar Medical Ltd.
2 Ha'eshel St.
P.O.Box 3579
Caesarea 38900
Fax: +972-4-6275598
Tel: +972-4-6177000 ext 281
E-mail: SYuval@Itamar-Medical.com
Home page: http://www.geocities.com/yshayel
Family, friends, etc.
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© 1997-2007 Yuval Shay-El