Hi, I'm Yuval Shay-El Yuval Shay-El , June 2001
Welcome to my homepage

My interests are:
music composition, jazz, scientific research, forecasting, climate, traveling, and more....

This site looks a bit out fashioned, doen't it?

Well, it hasn't changed much in style in the last 10 years since I started it in 1997 as a fun exercise in the then new "html" language. Now html is not enough for making a nifty site.
Nevertheless, this site still gives the basic information about myself in a "traditional" style (ha ha).
You can also find me on MySpace.

Enjoy :-)

You are most welcome to email me at yuvalshayel@gmail.com

Follow this link for more details about my CDs.


A little bit about myself

I was born in Israel in 1963. I am married to Tamar and father to Amit. My parents are Joseph (Sepi) and Drora. I have 2 sisters, older than me, Orly and Roni, and 5 nephews and nieces, Or, Zohar and Nogga Shachar (Orly's children), and Alon and Gili Barth (Roni's children).

I grew up in the town of Ramat-Gan, and studied at Nizanim school, and one year at Ohel-Shem high school. When I was 15 we moved to Haifa, where I studied at Hugim high-school. I came back to Ramat-Gan when I was 21, and have lived there since, except for 2 years in which I lived in Boston, MA.

I started to play trumpet and piano when I was 10 years old. From 1982 to 1987 I studied composition with the late Israeli composer Harry Nadel. At the same time I studied Physics at the Technion Institute of Technology in Haifa, and received my BA in 1984. I served in the Israeli Air Force for almost 6 years (1984-1990) in the Meteorology unit. During that time I received a master's degree in meteorology from Tel Aviv University in 1990. See a list of my scientific publications.

After the army I moved to Boston, to study music composition at Boston University . I got my second master's degree, in music, in 1993. Charles Fussell and Lukas Foss were my composition teachers. I also participated in the conducting class of Theodore Antoniou, and studied jazz piano with Jeff Covell (Berklee faculty). See a list of my recent music works.

After returning to Israel I have continued my studies of meteorology, at Tel Aviv University, and got the PhD title in 1999. Later I worked as the scientific manager of the Regional Center for NASA EOSDIS in Israel and I was also partly employed as an investigator at the Interdisciplinary Center for Technological Analysis and Forecasting at Tel-Aviv University (see reports list).

Since December 2000 I worked at IMADENT, a startup company developing medical ultrasound imaging devices. And since October 2003 I work at Itamar Medical, a medical company developing a non-invasive device for early-stage detection of diseases, such as heart problems and sleep disorders.

I continue to compose, and my compositions are performed from time to time by ensembles such as Musica Nova Consort. I also jam and gig with several jazz bands and musicians, such as Atmos Trio, Modern Times Quartet, Zoom Out Quintet, JaFu Quartet, Albert Beger and more. Some sound samples are available.

I like to travel, and I am happy that my work enables me to visit many places in the world :-)
Some photos are available at the Photo Album page.

Read my introduction to concert about jazz influence on classical music (in Hebrew).

Some recent music works
(partial list)

Scores are available upon request from my address

Scientific publications


My address


Dr. Yuval Shay-El
Tzel Hagivah 4/5
Ramat Gan, 52374
Tel: 972-3-5741634; Cell: 972-545-301307


Dr. Yuval Shay-El
Itamar Medical Ltd.
2 Ha'eshel St.
P.O.Box 3579
Caesarea 38900
Fax: +972-4-6275598
Tel: +972-4-6177000 ext 281
E-mail: SYuval@Itamar-Medical.com

Home page: http://www.geocities.com/yshayel


Family, friends, etc.

Find me on MySpace and be my friend!

© 1997-2007 Yuval Shay-El