There have been visitors since March 1998
Hi I'm Bennett Kuan.
Welcome to my homepage.
I am a classical music lover especially
the music in the late-romantic period
and I admire Dvorák's works,
therefore this page is dedicated to Dvorák.
If you have been to this page,
you'll notice I changed the format completely.
Hope you find this new format easier to use.
I'd like to hear anyone who are
interesting in putting a link on my page
and also anyone who can read Chinese
and would like me to expand the Chinese parts.
At last, I have to mention that I'm sorry that many
places in this homepage are still under construction.
你好, 我的名字是官振邦
此外, 假如有人希望我增加中文的部份,
Click here for summaries about Dvorák- English
德佛札克的身平簡介請按這裡- Chinese
Email me at "chilibang@yahoo.co.nz".
Please send me any comments of yours.
Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904), Czech composer, born near Prague. Dvorak was a son of a butcher. He studied music and the viola at the Prague Organ School. He used to be an musician in an orchestra before Brahms helped him to concentrate on composing. He helped to develop Czech music along with Janacek and Smetana. In 1892, he traveled to USA and wrote his most famous symphony, From the New World. He returned to Prague in 1895.
安東尼 德佛札克 (1841-1904) 捷克作曲家, 生於布拉格, 父親為一名肉販. 於布拉格風琴學校學習音樂及中提琴. 還沒被布拉姆斯鼓勵作曲前德佛札克為某交響樂團的一員, 之後與亞那謝克及斯美但那一起 發展捷克音樂. 德佛札克於一八九二年移居美國並寫下身平最有名的新世界交響曲, 稍後於一九八五年返回布拉格.
The site is maintain by Bennett Kuan. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are the rightful owner of any graphics on my page and would like to take it back.