In the dark, the shadows wait, the winds of war rise beneath the bloody hands of the living, and nothing can save us. Only nothing, ever nothing...nothing and nothing alone. -Isawa Norikazu
But enough, gentle reader. You have not come to seek what is explained elsewhere. You have not doubt come for our secrets. We shall share what little you deserve to know...
Scorpion Clan History - A history of the glorious Scorpion Clan as told by this humble historian.
Tales from the Drunken Scorpion! - A (currently) small collection of fan fiction.
Bayushi's Lies, the classic treatise on deception, as translated and put into context of L5R.
Shosuro Taberu's Tournament Tips, a small collection of advice from our Clan on how to win tournaments.
Conspiracy Theories by Bayushi Aramoro, Scorpion Clan Samurai
Letters to the Clans from me, Yogo Shiriko.(NEW! Only Dragon, Scorpion, Crane, and Crab so far..)
This page owned by Allison Heimbach, or ""It all belongs to her. No, this isn't your page. Or your best friend's(exceptions possible), but MINE. Taking stuff from it without my permission is bad. All images are copyright their respective artists. Also, look for me as Kachiko on #l5r on Undernet.