
Alex the Great's Homepage

Hello. I am Alex Gornicki, a French-Polish Canadian. This web page is like my brain in your computer. Everything you see here, I love most in life.

On this web page, I will have pictures of a movie I produced, movies I like, musical instruments (and info) and Lamborghinis, Ferraris and Porsches, OH MY!!!! Also, I have information and pictures of only Bob Barker and Judge Judy!!!

Now, unfortunately, I haven't all the time in the world. Therefore, not everything will be set up as of yet. Mind you, don't leave. The automobile and T.V. sections are pretty good. Check them out!!!

Pictures and information on musical instruments...

Pictures and information on exotic cars...

Pictures and sounds from movies (including my own!!!)

The Price is Right and Judge Judy!!!

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This page was last updated on the 25th of July, 1998!!!

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