The new choral group Boston Secession, as well as Secession soloists Mary Sullivan and Stephen Cole, are featured in this compact disc recording of highly lyrical, original vocal and choral music. A special appearance is also given by acclaimed concert soprano Nancy Armstrong.

Steven Finch was raised in Midland, Michigan (1959-1977), studied composition at Interlochen Arts Academy (1977-1978) and Oberlin College (1978-1982), and completed his Master's in mathematics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1982-1985). He now lives in the Boston area, working by day in scientific software and by night as a piano accompanist and choral singer.

Among the texts Finch has set to music in An Apple Gathering are poems by Christina Rossetti, Joyce Carol Oates, Alfred Lord Tennyson and May Sarton. The CD has been warmly praised for its expressive, sensitive songs and powerful, skillful performances.

An Apple Gathering is being distributed only privately, so please write to the composer at for more information. Please place the word "constants" in the Subject of any e-mail you send to him, and remove the obvious antispam phrase.

Finch's web pages on mathematics are found on the INRIA website.

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