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Welcome to my home. I don't have a particular theme, rather several topics. You are a guest in my home, and I am inviting you to rummage through anything you might find interesting. Since I probably won't have a mansion 'till the good Lord takes me Home, this is my creative space at 4983, Vienna Strasse. I hope you enjoy what you see. Hopefully, my site is diverse enough to have something everyone can enjoy. Enjoy your stay!

As if you couldn't tell by the wallpaper, but my main interest is music. I enjoy using my musical talents for Jesus Christ.

The description of my music page is:
Look out though, it's mostly dedicated to the trombone

Make yourself at home and go anywhere in the house you like. However, I hope you went before you came over because the toilet in the bathroom is out of order. Sorry for the inconvenience. You're welcome to view the artwork, however!

Music Studio

Game Room

Bible Study


Guest Room



Hobby Shop

Email me at in the meantime.
Thanks for visiting!

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