Hello! I'm Mark. I live in Poland (it's about 3000 miles or more from geocities.com).
First of all, I'm not a musician, but only keen on classical guitar and guitar music.
It was about twenty years ago, when I started playing classical guitar. I studied myself, without a teacher, at home, so I'm not a virtuoso, and you'll never hear me playing on the net (neither my.wav's and so on), sorry.
Instead, I offer some free music, from my collection for all the interested in the guitar music.
All this files below, were made by me, for my private use, and for my needs, but if you are interested in that scores, download and play them.
All scores are in .GIF format and they are simply captured from screen. I can't produce a high quality scores in Acrobat Reader's .PDF format, but better are small fish then an empty dish, I think.
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