Welcome to our Homepage!
Aiken Brass is a brass quintet composed of musicians in the Aiken, South Carolina area. We play a wide variety of music - everything from Pachelbel to Polkas! We're available for weddings, parties, festivals, special events, background or foreground music, and basically wherever you feel that you need 5 people with a lot of brass!
Also, all of us are performing members/section leaders of the University of South Carolina - Aiken/Aiken Community Band. We strive for musical mediocrity, and even come with our very own set of bad jokes and props!
We've even been called "quite possibly, the best mediocre brass quintet around!"
(With press like that, how could you turn back now?!)
So take a few minutes and step into our site -- get to know the Aiken Brass!
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Tracy WalkerLast Updated: December 22, 1999