Vidya's Homepage of Music and Other Exciting Things

Hello-my name is Vidya Venkataraman, and I am a senior at Springfield High School in Springfield, PA. That's a suburb of Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love. I'm sorry if this page is not sparkling with terrific features and interesting innovations- I am really new to making a homepage and I am kind of just bumbling my way through it. Anyway, for those of you who don't know me, I am a violinist. I decided to create this website because I couldn't find too many violinist websites, and I think our voice should be heard (and it was a really interesting option, when compared to doing my summer reading homework!).

My Musical Background
My Musical Activities
School and Day to Day Life

I also wanted to talk about some of my other interests:

To read about my literary, TV, and radio interests, click here
Love to travel like me? Click here
Visit PGSA, the coolest place on earth!

I have been playing the violin for 12 years, and I'm currently working on the Beethoven Violin Concerto. It's a lot of fun and I am really enjoying it. One piece that I was working on last year (and am still trying to finish, time permitting) is the Scottisch Fantasie by Max Bruch. It is an absolutely magnificent piece (much better than that first concerto that EVERYONE feels they have to play) and I highly recommend Midori's recording of it. Heifitz's is good as well, but of course he slides around a lot and thus it sounds pretty schmaltzy....not that this is a bad thing....

Anyway, my favorite classical musicians are Sarah Chang (she is the most incredible violinist in the world, and her playing is just as mature as that of ANY adult), Gil Shaham (the most underrated violinist in the world), and Yo-Yo Ma. I find Ma to be the finest classical musician in the world, and I can even forgive the fact that he plays the 'cello. I'm actually only kidding-the 'cello is a beautiful instrument; it's just that the violin is better...actually, one of my best friends (the Well-Manicured Sarah) is a 'cellist and is under the deulsion that hers is a superior instrument. Oh well, ignorance is bliss...

Click here for a picture of Sarah Chang!

And here is a great shot of Gil Shaham!

I currently play in the Philadelphia Youth Orchestra under the direction of Mr. Joseph Primavera. I used to be in the Delaware County Youth Orchestra, but time and a few other factors were involved in my quitting the orchestra after five fun years. Besides, I realized it was time to quite when the same pieces from my first year were in the program for what would have been my sixth year. It was certainly time to move on. I also participate in PMEA (Pennsylvania Music Educator's Association) festivals, which are 3 or 4 day honors music festivals for high school students. Last year I was concertmaster of my district (12) and region (6), and assistant concertmaster of the PA All-State Orchestra. I am really hoping to make All-Easterns, which is next February in Carnegie Hall. Wish me luck! I have also played in Heinz Hall, home of the Pittsburgh Symphony (during States last year), and at Philadelphia's own Academy of Music (with PYO last May). PYO has given me a lot of great opportunities, such as playing at the Academy and also in having the chance to practice with the Philadelphia Orchestra! PYO and PO had a joint rehearsal in March 1998; that was very exciting. But my best musical experience thus far was PGSA 1997, the Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Arts, a five week summer scholarship program run by the PA government at Mercyhurst College in Erie, PA. I made a lot of great friends there (who I still closely keep in contact with; ahh, the joys of the Internet!) and learned that there's a lot more to music than simply playing notes off a piece of paper. For example, violins CAN do jazz improv, it spite of what dumb brass players say...

I have many other interests as well, one of the most prominent of which is baseball. The Braves are my favorite team in the world and I catch their games whenever I can, both on TV and in person (even though that means I have to go sit in Veterans Stadium...a fearsome proposition at any rate). I love baseball for it's strategy and intelligence level, and I COMPLETELY disagree with people who say it's too slow. It's great to have on the TV when doing something else, because you can watch and yet it's not too distracting from whatever else you're doing. My favorite player in the universe, hands down, is Chipper Jones. I love the way he plays, and consider him among the best players is baseball. I like his name and the way he wears his socks up, in tribute to baseball players of old. He is a star, and he's only getting better...

Isn't this an awesome picture? I think it's pretty cool...

I am also a huge fan of Steven Wright, the comedian. His odd spin on practically everything is comforting-at least I know I'm not the only person out there who spends time thinking about really weird stuff. Maybe we both just have way too much free time on our hands...wait, that can't be right.... Anyway, you should check out the Steven Wright link at the bottom of the page, because it's really comical...In any case, I'll have more things of interest soon-for now enjoy what I have! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to e-mail me!

Links to other sites on the Web

Information on the world-renowned Philadelphia Youth Orchestra
Violincelli's (Sarah's) homepage-a great picture of Yo-Yo Ma (if you don't mind being BORED TO DEATH about the X-Files)!!
THE site for the best baseball team in the world!!
Interested in America's Pastime? Visit this site for all the latest news...
A link to NPR, the best radio station in the country!
Steven Wright Humor!

Hope you enjoyed your visit to my homepage. Thanks for coming, and since you were here, please sign my guestbook! I'd love to know who visited! And please come back soon, when I will hopefully have more! Note:this homepage was established on August 28, 1997.

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© 1997

And if you'd like to talk with me, my ICQ # is 28462931 and I also have AOL Instant Messaging- my screen name is CadenzaV2.

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