Teachout's Renaissance House

Renaissance (ren' uh sans): the great
revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe in the 14th, 15th,
and 16th centuries; any similar revival.
One concept that sprang from this time of intellectual and artistic
revival was that of the "universal man;" one who sought out
knowledge in all its forms - philosophy, science, art and music, and
religion. (The concept was very similar to that of the "superior
man" taught by Kung Fu Dz (Confucius) in China.) In time, as the
creation of a new "age of enlightenment" was attempted in
different periods, the term was changed to "renaissance man."
This page attempts the same thing. Here you will find pages on our
thoughts and interests in art, music, politics, philosophy, and even
some nonsense ("A little nonsense now and then is relished by
the wisest men"), as well as links to web sites related to those interests.

Send comments here. 
Teachout's Renaissance House © 1998 by
Robert S. Teachout, all rights reserved