Bay Area English Regency Society -- a glimpse into the world of the early 1800s

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The Bay Area English Regency Society (BAERS) celebrates the spirit of the early nineteenth century. The English Regency, familiar to us from the works not only of Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer but C. S. Forester, Patrick O'Brian, and Tim Powers, was a spirited time bubbling over with creative energy in the arts and sciences, and yet a time when wit and grace were highly valued.

Our dances come from English Country tradition, from Regency-era dance manuals such as Thomas Wilson, and from occasional modern Choreography done in the manner of the time. They are set to music by classical composers such as Mozart, Schubert, and Beethoven, or to traditional country dance tunes. Dances and music are varied for each ball, according to its theme, which may range from the elegant to the rowdy. We offer second-Friday dance parties in Palo Alto, and three or four fancy-dress balls throughout the year.

Newcomers are always welcome at our balls, picnics, and readings -- period costume is admired but by no means mandatory. We explore all aspects of life among the different social classes in Regency England, and occasionally venture into the American Federalist era. The Regency is a lens through which one can examine the history of the world, and we invite you to gaze along with us.

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Page maintained by Vanessa Schnatmeier
Updated on January 10, 2007.