I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two Paths Diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the road less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
-Robert Frost
Greetings, and welcome to
The Glas Menagerie!
your thougts in my GUESTBOOK
the thoughts of others who came before

My name is Timothy Glas, and I currently live in Alexandria,
Virginia, just outside of Washington, DC. This page will be of
absolutely no help but to those within the small circle of my
acquaintences, and very possibly a "come look at my vacation
pictures" kind of bore to them. But they will humor me, which is why
they are within that small circle. Welcome into my warped little
mind. Come inside. Wipe your shoes at the door, never mind the
clutter, and make yourself at home. Please do send me feedback or
ideas so that I can continue to upgrade and otherwise improve this
page. Thanks!
Allow me to explain the icons as they appear above,
from left to right.
HATS: Here I have a page of all of the "hats" I've worn so
far, or am wearing still. Everything from a Citadel Cadet to a Park
Ranger to a Teacher to a Bartender.
HOOLIGANS: My Nephews. They range in age from 2 to 7,
and they are as crazy as their uncle (not to mention the rest of the
extended relations...) Included are links to other pages devoted to
them on the web! They're gonna be ladykillers, I know it!
HOME: Just as it sounds, this is a link to this exact home
page; if, while following that road less travelled you lose your way,
click on this to come back! I'm also in the process of building a
home site (maybe "HOUSE") for my browser that will include all of the
pedestrian links to News, Information, etc. so I can rid myself of
the ISP's home page.
HOUND: Images and updates on my crazy canine, Eve.
She is the woman in my life, named after the mother of all races
because she is most definately the product of all breeds. :8^ )
HOBBIES: The many and various things I'm doing to fill up
my time around here. Everything from Kayaking to the newest
(obviously)...Web Publishing. I'm going to try my hand at helping out
the Theodore Roosevelt Association with their web presence, along
with a good friend of mine (and cyber guru) Jim Wiedman.
HOODLUMS: My companions and cohorts in crime, these are
friends of mine who are on the Web with their own web sites!
HANGOUTS: The requisite "LINKS" page to be found on every
site; I tried to locate a few of the more interesting (in the
freakishly bizzare and potentially disturbing sense) places I've
found on the web, as well as some REALLY good resources!
"If you don't wite me I will
be vewy vewy angwy!"

Yes, it is true, YOU are visitor
to visit this website since the 17th of September,