Potpuri on maamme tunnetuimpia kansantanssiryhmiä, joka on menestynyt niin kotimaassa kuin ulkomaillakin. Ryhmän peruslähtökohtana on tuoda perinne perinteenä näyttämölle kuitenkin näyttämön ehdoin ja luoda uutta tanssia perinteen pohjalta. Tarjoamme kansantanssi- ja -musiikkiesityksiä kokoillan konsertista pienempiin kokoonpanoihin ja esityksiin.
Kuvat: Tuija Malinen, Heikki Vuojakoski ja Esa Vilhonen, Grafiikka: Gitte Åstrand; Webmaster: esa.vilhonen@oko.fi |
CV in Finnish
Taiteellinen johto ja ohjaus: Sari Suokas
Osoite: Kolohonganreitti 2 F 20, FIN-01260 VANTAA
Puhelin: työ(09)799291 koti(09)8753707
Email: sari.suokas@kaapeli.fi
Tuotanto ja myynti: Esa Vilhonen
Osoite: Tuomaankuja 5 C, FIN-00730 HELSINKI FINLAND
Puhelin: (0500)828908
Email: esa.vilhonen@oko.fi
Fax: (09)4042676
Musiikki: Raimo Nummela, Puhelin: (09)8712027
CV in Finnish
Folk ensemble "Potpuri" comes from Helsinki, the Capital of Finland. It was founded in the early 1960’s and is a part of Helsinki Youth Association. There are some 20 dancers and musicians in the ensemble. The repertoire of Potpuri consists of traditional Finnish folk music and dances which have been specially arranged for the stage. The repertoaire also includes new music and dance based on Finnish tradition. The aim of the ensemble is to keep tradition as tradition and to create new on the basis of tradition. |
You can look for the pictures of the ensemble by the following hyperlinks |
Folk Dancing in Finland |
Finnish Folk Costumes |
Finnish folk dances are a part of the general European dancing tradition. Besides that the Finnish tradition has got influence from the east. Finland can be regarded as a "smelting pot" of western and eastern tradition, which has made the Finnish folkdancing and -music tradition so diversified. Unlike many countries Finnish folkdances have been been recorded as whole dances, not only as different movements, which is typical e.g. in Hungary.On stage dance is separated from its community origin so that its meaning also changes. Thus Finnish folkdance can only give a limitted impression because the mutual knowledge of the dance and its hidden meaning has disappeared. The tradition has become a "history" and is passing from generation to generation through books, videos and learned teachers. |
Like in many European countries the model of a Finnish national costume is that of the dress which is typical for the agricultural population. The materials were originally home woven especially in eastern parts. The materials used are wool and cotton and silk for decoration. Like in dances also in costumes the western and eastern tradition are quite clear. There is also a clear Estonian influence on the islands between Finland and Estonia. Potpuri uses folk costumes from both western and eastern parts of the country. Often dancers use costumes, which are from the same regions as the dances performed. |
www.geocities.com/Vienna/Strasse/1392/ Phone +358-500-828 908 Fax +358-9-404 2676 Adress: c/o Esa Vilhonen Tuomaankuja 5 C FIN-00730 Helsinki Finland |
Artistic Director and Coreographer: Phone +358-9-7288 4630 Email sari.suokas@kaapeli.fi Production and Sales Esa Vilhonen Phone +358-9-3863 458 Mobile +358-500-828 908 Email esa.vilhonen@oko.fi |
CV in Finnish
Potpurin näytöksiä, konsertteja ja muita tapahtumia:
Festival Internacional De Folklore "Celestino Craca" Santarem Portugal 8-13.9.1999 |
Konsertti: Heittää ja ottaa uudelleen kiinni, Pop/Jazz Konservatorion konserttisalissa loka-/marraskuussa |
Helsingin Nuorisoseura ry on perustettu vuonna 1953. Vuoden 1961 alusta vuoteen 1988 seuran esiintyvää Potpuriryhmää on ohjannut Esa Niiranen. Vuodesta 1989 lähtien ryhmän taiteellisena johtajana on toiminut Sari Suokas.
Potpuri on esiintynyt seuraavilla kansainvälisillä festivaaleilla
CV in Finnish
This page is updated 30.11.1999