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Hi. You have just entered the realm of the oboe. It is a strange place, filled with odd people, things, and links. For those of you who are regulars in oBoIsSiMo, you can see from simply glancing at my index page that I have done what appears to be some pretty extensive remodeling. Which is true. I've basically branched out more, instead of having such a consolidated page in which all or most of the links are in the index. I even went so far as to put my links into three different catergories, each with its own little page. You can access the link directory page by just going here. In addition to already-existing links, I have also added a rather large page of oBoIsSiMiC links, which take you to other places that deal with the oboe, orchestral life, bagpiping, and music in general. Hope I haven't confused you too much, and have fun!