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![]() ![]() Hello! I am Kimberly. 29 years old. Single. Living in sunny and beautiful Florida. One adorable cat, Boots. Full-time employee, part-time student. Friendly, quiet, benevolent, procastinator, peace and unity, no war and bloodshed, loves reading, loves spicy food, green tea, pizza, homemade soup, clothing shoe shopping retail therapy, musicals, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, any types of angels, anything Victorian, dislikes any racism, predjudice, ignorance, and cruelty, enjoys being with loved ones, adores Desperate Housewives, and Extreme Home Makeover, and all types and flavors of music - state, local, national, and international. Supporter of:
Make-A-Wish Foundation ![]() wonderful murls & slices of life. Chelle.~. Susan.~. Valerie.~. Babz.~. Jennifer.~. Michelle.~. Miranda.~. Amy.~. Kimm.~. Fabu icons from Anna @ harsh-light.com/icon Fabu smilies from Jennifer @ kiss-my-kitty.com If you get the chance please check out the approved Brigid Brannaugh (Brigid Conley Walsh) Fanlisting that I happily run. thefanlistings.org rocks! ![]()
February 22nd,
2005 Life's Simple Pleasures
Kate and Babz, it is indeed expensive - I nearly tipped over and passed out when I saw price at first
![]() ![]() Oh, and Janet, you rock!
February 18th,
2005 Does A Happy Dance
It's Friday - almost weekend time! I'll get caught up on my homework and sleep.
Aneesah is so correct - Crush totally rocks! He was my favorite character in Finding Nemo. That is certainly hard to do because there are so many fantastic and great characters in this movie. And my goodness, so many hilarious lines and quotes! Thank you Aneesah, Danielle, Janet, and Babz for the wonderful Valentine's Day wishes. I ate so much chocolate that day that I am surprised that I am still standing, walking, and talking - it was that good! I love those gravatars on the comment guestbook - so neat! I bought a bottle of banana split lotion that Jessica Simpson/Dessert Treats has released to Walgreens. It smells wonderful and leaves my hands silky soft instead of greasy, sticky, and cakey. I also sometimes use Sarah Michaels Extra Thick Body Cream in Vanilla Sugar. Speaking of dessert - its nearing lunch time. Later, gators!
February 15th,
2005 You Da Lady!
Babz has a beautiful website and blog at onegal.com. She is friendly and nice and kind and she has a wonderful way with expressing her emotions through words. Brava, Babz!
I hope everyone had a beautiful Valentine's Day! Me, being single, bought junk food, slipped into my favorite pj's, grabbed some tabloids and other magazines, slid into bed, had delicious and healthy homemade soup, slept, watched TV, listened to music, and slept some more. It felt good to have one evening exclusive to myself where I could sleep and not feel guilty about not taking care of someone's errands, someone's elses bills and demands, not being a chauffeur to everyone I know. Taking of myself for once, for one evening, sleeping while soft classical music from a nearby radio relaxes me even further.
February 11th,
2005 Thank You!
Thank you, Kimm, for visiting! Everyone should go check out her wonderfully awesome blog and website!
February 10th,
2005 Human Nature
Oh, boy! Sometimes I just do not miss working in the retail industry. Other times I honestly do - the wonderfully friendly customers, the pretty cool bosses, and the entire environment and experience.
Then I see weird and strange things happen and it makes me shudder. For example, I went and filled my tank with gas one evening and then went inside to stand in line. So far, so good. A young lady comes through the door and grabs a bottle of water, stands behind me, talking on her cell phone. Still everything is peachy keen. A man enters and gets behind us. Okay, cool. The woman in front of me is finishing her transaction. Fine - no problems. The other clerk realizes that the line is getting longer and offers to open up her station and announces loudly to take the next customer in line. Miss Thing is still talking on her phone, lost in her conversation. The gentleman behind her walks over to pay for his purchases. Miss Thing protests that she was next in line and has a snit fit. Instead of cowering back behind the counter, the two clerks got onto Miss Thing for not paying attention and yakking on the phone instead. Go, clerks! They rocked and handled the situation quite well. Party on, chicas!
February 4th,
2005 TGIF!
Oh my sweet goodness, it's FRIDAY! This week has been something else but I have been blessed by the company of loved ones.
I have added some more murls (magnificent uniform resource locators) to the left. Each website has made me smile, laugh, emphasize, and enjoying reading about the lovely people in this world. Decided to reorganize my room last night - bed and everything. My body hates me but I love the way it looks. I sometimes get homesick for all the lovely places I have lived before. California, Texas, Kansas, Colorado, and North Carolina. Especially Kansas - that is where I spent most of my childhood and adulthood at. It is surreal when I go back and visit these places - many memories flood my heart. It certainly creates a smile and laugh.
February 1st,
2005 I'm Back!
For the time being inner-smile.org is down and out. I may bring it back someday *smiles* Sincere apologies for *checks and double checks* the month-long silence. I'll be more active in blogging, I promise!
This site is copyright © 2004-2005 to Kimberly. copyright © 2004-05 to anyone involved with the wonderful folks involved with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the awesome actress who played Queen C. No infringement is intended. |