The world of Wilhelm and Arduinna Greycloake,
Willem and Mary of Marlow, Willelm the Old, Lady Esther of Rosin Wood,
and more. It is a rich, multi-layered world covering a
vast array of interests.
In short, it is yet another vanity page for the Internet
surfer to peruse. Our home page is designed to share with our
visitors our interests and hobbies. And give them a chance to
share their creativity with us and others who visit our website -
through poetry, short story, shared interests, etc.
Don't be shy! Dust off those poems and stories gathering dust
in your attic or office and send them in. We are looking forward
to reading them! Follow these links to the other sections of our
website and have a good time!
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MJay's Place A place to share your creativity or enjoy what others bring here. |
Children's Corner For children 0-13; this is the place for you to share your poetry, short stories, fantasies, etc. |
General Audiences For older children 13+ and adults; come and share in the wonders of imagination. |
For Adults Only More mature subject matter is included in these fantasies and short stories. WARNING: Don't enter if you're not prepared. |
Hobbies Page Here you will find description of our hobbies. The wild and weird places you can find us in our free time. |
MJM Services And just so you know we don't spend all of our time playing - this is my home business website. Just an example, as all these pages are, of the fun one can have building a website. |
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Site Directory Confused? We don't mean you to be. This site will lay out our website pages for you one more time. |
Photo Gallery Just a few photos of us engaging in our favorite hobbies. Enjoy! |
We hope that you spend a lot of time here. We hope
even further that you submit several of your own works to this site.
Lots of them! (We love reading other people's creations!!).
Proud to be Americans, In a land where
there are still men and women who are willing to defend
our nation!! God Bless Our Soldiers All!!