Bianca Dantas

Trust Administrator & Portuguese Interpreter

Ms B Dantas
Rua Marques de S. Vicente, 95/103 bl1 - Gavea RJ Brazil
Phone 00552199587705


  • Marketing 2007 /to present.(Universidade da Cidade)
  • Computer Science 1996 2000. (Universidade da Cidade)
Languages Portuguese, Spanish, English and French


Credit Suiss Trust (Jun-2005/ to present)

Administration of a portfolio of client company and trust structures. Obtain necessary approvals for transactions, drafting of Minutes, payment of sundry expenses, preparation, issuance and arranging settlement of monthly invoices, maintaining debtors list below stated threshold, liaison with bankers and intermediaries regarding clients affairs. .

Account Executive
Generali International (Jun-2004/ Feb 2005)

To help provide customer service to the department’s portfolio of corporate risk and retirement plan clients, to include assistance with transaction processing when needed.Provide administrative supoort. .

Guernsey Police - Portuguese language (Jul2003/ Jan 2006)

Local: Policie Station, Prison, Hospitals, Children Board
Activity: Translate documentes and interviews

Supervisor Coordinator of Sales
Quality Spirits International & C.I.C.L.
William Grant & Sons’s Group (Aug/2001 Jul/2003)

Supervisor of Whisky sale for Portugal, South America, Scandinavia . Responsible for: Invoices, Send Samples of Spirits, arrange the bottling plain and Shipment, Input the order in the system, organized the financial situation of customers, Development new product (personal with the customer), participation in fairs, open new accounts in the system, presentation on power point and brochures.

Home Broker
Agora CTVM - Viptrade ( Àgora Exchange Trade in the Value Market)(April/2000 Dec/2000)

Set Up the system, help customer with their account, search another competitor system, set up the financial accounts, up date customers with the prices daily, calculation, organized stock broker vocabulary for web

Courses, Skills and Knowledges Web Design - Dream weaver - Guernsey College .

Flash - Image Editing - Guernsey College

Pascal Programme Language - IBPIconductor

Graphics Computing - CNPQ

e-Business - Infinet

EDI - Microsoft Solution (Electronic Data Interchange & Intelligent Cards System)

SQL ADA - Serpro

FTP - Serpro

HTML - Serpro

DOS, Word , Excel, Access, Power Point, Photoshop

PC Hardware , Net Administration


Extra Course
  • 1999 (20 weeks) English EF MILLS COLLEGE Oakland, San Francisco CA