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Washington Sängerbund
~ founded 1851 ~
Rehearsals every Friday at 7:00pm.
Location: Concord Clubhouse, 2434 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Washington, DC (Old Europe Restaurant 2nd floor).
Click here for Map . You can reach us via Metro bus, lines 30, 32, 34, 35, 36.
Upcoming events
(see photos of previous events)
Saturday, April 25, 2009, 8:00 pm
The Washington Sängerbund will participate in the concert presentation of Mozart’s “The Magic Flute” by the
Prince William Symphony Orchestra at the METZ AUDITORIUM at Metz Middle School, 9950 Wellington Road, Manassas, VA
Memorial Day Weekend May 22 to 24, 2009
50th Sängerfest of the Nordöstlicher Sängerbund in Washington, DC.
The Washington Sängerbund will be host chorus for this historic event. For details see www.saengerfest2009.org .
The Sängerfest of the NOSB originated in 1850 in Philadelphia, moved to Baltimore the next year and later continued in 3-year cycles throughout the years (disrupted at times by world events). Member societies from the Mid-Atlantic states and other choruses from the US, Canada and Germany are expected to participate. Headquarters for the celebration is the Grand Hyatt Hotel. The highlight of the weekend will be a concert of German choral music with full orchestra at the National Building Museum on Saturday, followed by a gala black-tie dinner and Grand Ball at the Grand Hyatt Hotel.
Photo from the 49th National Sängerfest on June 2-4, 2006 in Lancaster, PA.
 Photo by Tom Young Photography
Sunday, June 28, 2009, 6:30 pm The Washington Sängerbund will perform a joint concert with the National Gallery of Art Vocal Arts Ensemble and Resident Gallery Musicians.
German romantic repertoire with conductor David Montgomery.
National Gallery of Art West Building, West Garden Court
Constitution Avenue and Sixth Street, N.W., Washington, DC
Admission is free. Seating begins at 6:00 PM.
Our Mission Statement:
The Washington Sängerbund strives to preserve German song and the German language. The organization cultivates the study of music and instructs the members in choral singing and in the theoretical knowledge of music. The Washington Sängerbund is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization.
Be a friend of the Washington Sängerbund
Individuals and organizations may treat donations to the Washington Sängerbund as charitable contributions on their income tax returns. We hope that you will select the Washington Sängerbund as a recipient of your tax-deductible contribution.
Please see our webpage Friends of the WSB.
To be placed on our mailing list to be notified about Washington Saengerbund events, enter your address in the window below.
Founded in 1851, the Washington Sängerbund is the Washington, DC, area's oldest German organization. The German singing society performs concerts of German music in the Washington, DC area.
In addition to our concerts, we traditionally hold other large annual events. On a Saturday (Faschings Samstag) in Spring, our Faschingsball (Mardi Gras Ball) draws hundreds of visitors to the elegant, large ballroom in Fairfax, where delicious German food and beverages are available, costume prizes are awarded and we dance for hours to great live music!
In September and October you can find us selling authentic, delicious, German sausages and beer at several area Oktoberfests. Check our schedule here at our web site for the latest details, or ask to be put on our WSB mailing list (See above).
You can call our telephone hot line: 202-310-4691 for the latest news.
Follow any of the links to learn about our long, distinguished history, to meet our conductor, to sing with us, to learn how to become a Friend of the Washington Saengerbund or to join our mailing list, to read articles and see photos of our events, or to see our detailed rehearsal schedule.