Display your musical talent.

How It All Started:  So there I was, a bored teenager without a job in the summertime (1998).  Really, I purposely did not apply for a job because I knew that this summer, the summer after my junior year in high school, I would be looking for college scholarships on the web and working on my Senior Project.  Every time I intended to research scholarships on the Internet, I always ended up looking at other things instead.  I sometimes looked up my favorite actors, did crossword puzzles, played Jeopardy!, but I usually ended up at a classical music site.  I was always in search of music clips of Beethoven, my favorite composer.  I found this great site, the Classical MIDI Archives, which had multiple recordings of almost any Beethoven work.  Beside each recording was the name of the performer of that piece.  I then thought to myself, 'Wouldn't it be cool if my name was on this site?'  That's how I thought to create my own site of amateur classical musicians.   
How to Navigate My Site:  You can locate the amateurs on the toolbar to the left or below, for example, "Meet Claire" will take you to my page, which includes two music recordings, a mini-biography, and a picture of myself.  "Meet the Composers" is an index of pages on well-recognized composers such as Beethoven and Bach that I have created.
     If you can play a classical music piece and want web space devoted to you and your music on my site, please email me.  I would love to have you on my site.

Credits:  These sources were consulted in the creation of this page.

  • Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 99
  • My brother, Eric, for technical assistance.
  • Xung, for assistance on creating links to to audio clips.
  • Marvin, for the use of his microphone.
  • Puyan, for the great pictures of the composers.
  • The Student Reference Library for Windows

Amateur Musicians | Meet Claire | Meet Hannan | Meet Sarah | Meet John | Meet Alicia | Meet the Composers | Classical Music Links

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